Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

30 May

29 May

28 May


Originally posted by DJChickyNuggs

u/trichoglossusbee u/oliverage24artist u/fallguysjoe can we get confirmation on this. scam or nay?

We're not selling this info - the media survey is to help us work out who you wanna see us collab with

27 May


Originally posted by nakapri

I swear I looked for it on trello and didn't find it but thanks a lot for replying! :D

I'll double check and if not I'll absolutely add it there!


Originally posted by nakapri

Hey, what about the "Big tease" achievement bug? It has been a while since I'm trying to get it on PC and never works (I only got it on PS4). I even tried to change the game's language like someone said on reddit it worked but not for me :/

Is on trello! Team are looking into it, it is one of our highest ticket items at the moment in terms of volume, but isn't knocking on into gameplay as much so I didn't call it out here


Originally posted by Crossland09

I'm going to hold out my opinions on the updates until they come out. We have been burned too many times in the past to get hopeful...

It's really tricky, the scale of the game means that they can be difficult, but I know that at the least rolling these updates out early in the week will be really helpful for fast remedies where needed, and they have been tested. I will be here when they happen and will catch anything that comes up :-)


Originally posted by PeteryChavez

Music cutting out of See-Saw after the level starts

OMG yesssss!!

I've been complaining about this issue (and some others too, though) since the game was released, it's so annoying... I can't wait to finally NOT see it happen again!! 😊

It's on the radar and we're looking into it - it's so funny how sometimes the most simple feeling bugs (like this) can be oddly complicated, but rest assured we'll squish it!


Originally posted by ToughTalkingGuy

Awesome. Thank you very much for taking your time to read through the comments.

It's all good, always happy to do so and chatting to players makes my day :-)


Originally posted by ToughTalkingGuy

It’s every time I grab for the max time of the grab. I’ve always done it and it wasn’t till 4.5 that I started noticing a change. I thought it was an update to the game physics but honestly it doesn’t make sense to give the player getting outplayed on a grab the advantage as far as being able to jump right after it

Hm. Okay, this is the first time I have personally read this, but we do have thousands and thousands of players so I absolutely do not see the entire scope of these things.

Because it is a first though, I would ask you to tell Support: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and if you can, record a video. This can often accelerate how fast a problem is solved, and it could be linked to other jump issues that are being investigated!


Originally posted by ToughTalkingGuy

Hello , I don’t know if this is an issue that only I have. But I’ve been unable to jump after I full pop someone on a grab. I’ve always full pooped but never experienced such a delay in my jump. It goes a little over a second. Makes it to were I just don’t even grab anymore and it’s honestly annoying. Cause in a final like thin ice I go for grab plays and it’s annoying when the enemy can jump instantly while I have to wait more then a second to jump..

We have logged issues for jumps in general, which I can add this to, though it's the first time I have heard it associated with a grab, it isn't the first time I have heard it about Thin Ice as a level. Is it EVERY time you Grab?

BEANS! Hiiiiii!

I have been very active here this week but you might not hear from me too much tomorrow and Monday as I am off as a heads-up! Remember that Support are here for all of your issues and queries as well!

Full Trello as I won't touch on every one in the post body, but you can see what has been added here: ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by a2zRulz

Thank you for finding that! I post so much I often lose track.

Things were looking super good on it on Monday and then it headed to testing, which took a little longer than envisioned when I posted that message. A few different scenarios had to be tested and then it had to be polished up. So we will look to deploy it early next week (not Monday but likely Tuesday) but with a few other fixes and improvements along with it such as the Jump Showdown issues we've been seeing. We want to monitor these fixes and make sure we are able to patch if needed and can catch issues, making rolling the changes out near the weekend a bad idea for this one. Sorry that my timeframe changed on that but I hope that explains :)


Originally posted by Taxfraud57329

Yes but they say it will come back next week with a change to finals, I made this pole to see if people really only want slimescraper final

It won't be next week but a few weeks time just to add! Sorry that it was there and gone :<


Originally posted by RedHotChiliadPeppers

Gotcha. Had it a few times on Tundra Run as well. Thanks as always for investigating. Appreciate all the effort that goes into this!

Thank you, and we appreciate the patience with what you're experiencing, too!