Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

27 May


Originally posted by kidbuuzero

awww. please at least keep Slime Climb Time full Slime Climb like the first time... it was so fun. i was expecting the same this time to learn all the cool shortcuts to try to win Slime Scraper in a finale but all I got was 11 players trying to share a crown in Jump Sweatdown :c

I have passed this onto the team!

Full disclosure that was what was originally planned and after Xtreme we thought "Hmmm" and now we see why players DO want it so we are less "Hmmm" about it and it makes sense.


Originally posted by CardboardTable

I'm on PS4. Played a few rounds of Slimescraper Time before this with no issues (well, except not getting rewards) so I don't know what caused it. The game crashed right after I recorded this clip too.

We are looking into PS4 issues at the moment that this is linked to, but seems to be quite a few players impacted by this playlist specifically right now. We're looking into it! Really sorry :(

Also let Support Know if you can here: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Originally posted by trichoglossusbee

I am unable to play this video - what are you experiencing?

OH! It finally played for me. Oh no. OP are you on PC or Console?


I am unable to play this video - what are you experiencing?


Originally posted by rYue

Thank you for the lightning-fast reply

I am everywhere today πŸ‘


Originally posted by rYue

I wonder if that is intentional... πŸ€” /u/trichoglossusbee ?


The varied finals is indeed intentional, based on feedback we have had in previous playlists! However, the newsfeed copy was not updated to reflect that.

We do love to change these up a lot and are always open to feedback though. Either way next time the newsfeed needs to be updated, or there needs to be a slimescraper-only final, haha.


Originally posted by Sunnisidedown

I mean the whole team went out and we still got prizes for first place, also when we won the other team was showed as the winners (still got prizes) .

Did your team go out really soon before the other team, or were you out waaaay before the game finished? πŸ€”


When you say "Few of them we won, one we lost", do you mean you tied in those instances but a few of them you were shown on the victory screen, and one you weren't :)?

I am so glad you are enjoying Squads!


Mine is still totally Thin Ice, I find the way you've coloured the tiles very satisfying. Your illustration style is lovely.


I have sent this to the team (funny video lol)

We're currently trying to rule out all possibilities, and we're also really trying to capture how this looks across multiple players at the same time. That way we can see if it's happening to all players and is server-side, or if it's localised to one player and is client-side. So we're doing tests.

We're also going to look to compare our perspectives on our next streams to see.

One thing that is amazingly helpful (especially if it happens to you a lot OP) is sending us player logs and a video. Your player logs contain every interaction and movement with the character, and things like that. When this next happens to you (or anyone reading this) you just need to save a file to your desktop for us from your game folders once your Show is over: ...

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I think that this would be super fun! I also think it could be fun for the platform vibrations to have a few false vibrations, meaning that the platform isn't necessarily about to fall - keeps you on your toes until one does actually fall.

26 May