Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

24 Mar


Originally posted by pandakoo

Please can you add the missing levels to squad mode, ski falls, slime climb, hoverboard?! Please! And fix the scoring so it’s fair if you end up as a 3 player team.

I think we'd rather stop the ability for there to be squads of less than 4 before we look at any kind of scoring change, ideally no squads of less than 4 should start at the first round!

The level suggestions - can definitely pass that on! :)


Originally posted by 0capa

About block party, the same can happen on every survival rounds, so uhhhh D:

The same CAN, but a lot of them have a much higher skill cap for staying alive, so we don't see it as often. We will still keep an eye on the rest though whilst we look at this properly.


Originally posted by RanchWings

Nice! But can you fix the bug where I keep coming close to winning in the final but then lose because I suck at the game?

I keep asking the team to fix this on my game but they keep saying no, I dunno why


Originally posted by Jacob2of3

"Reach Round 4 while in a Party"

Thought so, that's the one we've had a lot of reports on, should be fixed VERY soon.


Originally posted by Jacob2of3

good stuff.

I know that I reported some challenges do not complete. You should add that here somewhere so people know.

Great point, will add shortly! Which challenge was it for you?

Hello beanssss

It was a very busy day for us on Monday but thank you all for your feedback, information, and most of all the kind words with our recent Season release.

Here's what we've updated today:

  • Timing out on Block Party resulting in random squad eliminations. We want something more robust for the future, but for the time being, we've removed Block Party from the Squads playlist to prevent this occurring. That seemed by far to be the most problematic level for squad time-outs. We're also considering the same for Jump Club as it's been a close second in terms of complaints.
  • Royal Fumble is not assigning the correct winners at the end of the round - even if squads clearly had the tail and won. We're investigating this, but to prevent this stealing more wins, we've disabled.
  • The chances of Team Tail Tag appearing was too damn high! We've reduced it.
  • The Vertical See Saw and Fall Mountain spinner variation...
Read more External link β†’

Originally posted by [deleted]


That's a very good question that I don't know the answer to! Will def look into it because it makes sense that we avoid uneven teams in squads as well as Main show


As a first step we've lowered the weightings on Team Tail Tag- we'll continue to look at what we can do here to improve variety but rounds like Slime Climb were cut due to the extra complexity of being both a survival and race round. Definitely something we'd like to bring to Squads though!


Originally posted by PuppetShowJustice

I wish they would just add either a dedicated slot for banner / title / emote / color / pattern / ect stuff in the featured store items or make a 4th slot so they can feature two skins.

I hate when half a skin appears. I remember when the top half of Valkyrie appeared in my shop early on in Season 2 and I finally just got the bottom to appear in my shop yesterday --- two whole seasons later.

I can't wait to see how long it takes me to get the bottom half of Samurai Fish.

Love the Godzilla though.

Every day I wake up and regret making the featured store 3 slots instead of literally any even number.


I, hilariously, sometimes press shift out of habit to see a leaderboard which we do not have, just because of all the games I play that have it keymapped to there.

This looks awesome. I appreciate the time you've spent on it, and it's a great UI suggestion. I've sent to the team to have a looksie.

edit: actually /u/FallGuysJoe is right here. Nevermind. JOE I LOVE THIS


Slick! We've been talking about something like this internally based on beta feedback. Personally I'd like something I can check during gameplay too (that doesn't take up the whole screen and lets me stay focused on the gameplay. I've shared this with the team though - awesome work!

23 Mar


Originally posted by FallGuysJoe

Bee stop promising them features we talked about this



Originally posted by trichoglossusbee

I just generally call these like "Skirmish" levels and totally agree it'd be awesome to see in the future!

Bee stop promising them features we talked about this