Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

22 Jan


Originally posted by TheWezzalt

Can you fix the physics in this game before all that? I feel that should be priority.

Fixes and content are created in tandem. It is not either/or.


Originally posted by PeteryChavez

Totally agree. That should be the main concern for the team, however each "update" brings new issues and bugs and doesn't fix almost anything from the old ones.

I already posted a list of the most recent and the old issues (some even present since the game released, most of them basically not too resource/time-consuming to fix), i tried to contact the devs and the Community Managers here, i even replied to some of their posts... but i never got any feedback.

It seems the top priority for the team is creating new nicknames, player banners and some events and exclusive skins for streamers.

Skins are done by other teams. Fixes and content are created in tandem. It is not either/or.

We won't and can't reply to every post we see and get tagged in, though I try my best.


Originally posted by Alexthegreat47

I mean, if you’ll never be able to let the timer accurately reflect how many days are left in the season, what’s the point of the timer existing at all?

That's why it's being changed.

21 Jan


Originally posted by Zwaj

Lol oh shit I didn’t even realize this was the official account nor did I realize the subreddit had an official account. Let me be clear that I love this game and I think you guys have done an amazing job for the most part in season 3. I love almost every now round you added. I still think this addition to jump showdown in terrible though

P.S thanks for enjoying the game.


Originally posted by Zwaj

Lol oh shit I didn’t even realize this was the official account nor did I realize the subreddit had an official account. Let me be clear that I love this game and I think you guys have done an amazing job for the most part in season 3. I love almost every now round you added. I still think this addition to jump showdown in terrible though

Let's see!!!!! I'm quite excited for it. For me, I believe you honestly can change, and time, and adjust. The fan won't wipe you off the platform completely, but you do have to watch yourself. And of course, it won't spawn every time, so that's good if you don't fancy it.


Originally posted by Zwaj

This genuinely might be the worst decision I’ve ever seen the devs make. You’re just removing the skill that goes along with Jump Showdown. You’re telling me I have to avoid falling out platforms, spinning beams, and now a fan circling the area all while there’s 10-15 players running around like chickens with there heads cut off? We don’t want more variability and randomness in final rounds, we want skill. I want to either be happy that I won a show or at least be able to tip my cap to someone who outplayed me in the finals instead of becoming angry by dying to something random.

Ah, you've now edited and expanded your comment from the original comment that you made.

See how it plays, though. I'd hazard this isn't really random, you can see the fan and try to adjust and time accordingly. In many ways, it's just another obstacle, but, let's see what happens.


Originally posted by Zwaj

This genuinely might be the worst decision I’ve ever seen the devs make. You’re just removing the skill that goes along with Jump Showdown. You’re telling me I have to avoid falling out platforms, spinning beams, and now a fan circling the area all while there’s 10-15 players running around like chickens with there heads cut off? We don’t want more variability and randomness in final rounds, we want skill. I want to either be happy that I won a show or at least be able to tip my cap to someone who outplayed me in the finals instead of becoming angry by dying to something random.

It's really weird to see people type them when I'm like right here


Originally posted by SmartTitan666

May I ask if the physics and latency are getting a fix now or will it be with season 4 or later?

It's really hard to say at this stage - it can get complicated, and we're in testing phases with it. It's not that we don't want it fixed immediately or anything (it's extremely high priority and top-of-mind for the team) but testing an implementing takes time. One change can knock-on into loads of things. The physics issues are also quite a few different issues together, so it's possible we may solve a few and still be working on the rest. Hopefully we can give a robust update on that soon :)


Originally posted by 440k

Because I'm a shameless Fall Guys addict - are you able to tease anything else? Maybe the number of variations being added?

Not tonight unfortunately! But you'll defo hear that soon :D


We haven't released the date for 3.5 just yet, but here's one of dem variations.

There will be many.

Fun shall be had.

Can't wait to share more + the date with you all :D


Originally posted by SirPixelord

I think they meant 3 days because normally 30 days is the midpoint of the season.

Oooooooh that makes sense! I thought it was just a typo. I will add that to my post for clarity anyhow.


1) OOF :(

2) Here's a really good post from Joe that explains the physics issues we're currently investigating: https://www.reddit.com/r/FallGuysGame/comments/kscw99/when_is_mediatonic_ever_gonna_fix_the_physics/gifh143?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Looks to me like it's a knock on from: Other characters lag corrections being received as 'impacts' and causing you to ragdoll/ push your character unfairly.


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Yep, it'll show up in your regular store (the bottom section of your store) on a randomised day. Try to check your shop for a min even on days when you aren't playing to catch it. 's what I do. :)