Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

22 Jan


This is a really tricky one to solve because what's actually happening is -

The server decides who wins.

It decides based on the first person's game to send a message to the server to say "I have grabbed the crown" and then the server to confirm "yes, they have grabbed the crown".

So why is it possible for you to see that you grab the crown before they do?

Lag/De-Sync/Ping - The position of player's that you see is not the same thing that the other player's see. When a player moves, a message is sent to the server, and then the server sends that message to all other players.

Unfortunately, if you don't have a great connection, or the other player doesn't have a great connection, the amount of time to get the positions of all other players could mean that you're seeing players noticeably behind where they are.

So... when you see someone win, but it looked like they were behind you... they were actually the first one to grab the crown...

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Originally posted by epictiger01

Well, I can consider yes, but I should also consider no, or even yes

(Totally didn’t edit my comment once I used random stuff to figure out how to use italics)

Ah. Makes sense.


Originally posted by epictiger01

yes, but actually... yes.

Have you considered...yes?


Originally posted by epictiger01

What the hell is this...

It's a fan and a backwards yeetus, Tiger!


Originally posted by PeteryChavez

Thank you!!

I agree. This Spectator mode issue is the most serious to me as well, i noticed it as soon as i loaded the game in the first day of Season 3, it's specially annoying because i love the colorful mood of Fall Guys 😔

I really hope all of these issues will be gone very very soon, i understand that many of them are not that bad for some people, but together they impact the overall game experience for the worse.

EDIT: You deserved my Hugz award!

Oh thank you so much for the hugz😊!


Originally posted by Aprilpuppydog

I’m bad at literally every game I play so I’m used to it lol

So are most of the development team so you're in good company. Welcome to the Blunderdome!


Originally posted by PeteryChavez

Nice 🙂

But could you please also share if the issues introduced by the Season 3 update will be fixed? I've been trying to help and inform the team about these problems but i never get any feedback. Meanwhile many other players are experiencing them...

  • Darker and fuzzier image during Spectator mode (hard not to notice this one). This effect also happens during the round intros and when the player is respawning ;

  • Shadows of many elements of the map disappearing during the round intros ;

  • "Qualified!" screen showing different numbers of qualified players after the end of a round (most of the times the "Qualified!" number, with the green background, changes in a split of second) ;

  • Frozen camera on some round intros, mainly on Dizzy Heights ;

  • Flickering clouds on some Perfect Match rounds ;

  • The episode stats screen, after the celebration screen when you get a Win, doesn't have confett...

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We'll go through these as a team next week, some we are actively already working n such as the Spectator mode issue, but I'll check what's on the roadmap and where things could be added for future. Certainly for me, the spectator mode is the highest prio though!


Originally posted by SootGremlin-

Welcome to the community! You'll probably get your first win before I do lol

A WILD ABBIE APPEARED!!! The rarest spot!!

And welcome /u/Aprilpuppydog :D


Welcome to the community! You'll probably get your first win before I do lol


Originally posted by Alexthegreat47

Ah, I see. That’s rather disappointing.

Yeah, I understand why because the eyes are really emotive and it's sad to not see that. The good news is though, it's 100000% something we want in the future (transparency in general on skins), and I imagine when we get to that, we'll retroactively add it to costumes :)


Originally posted by azzafsar

I haven’t received my slushie yet, how do I go about getting it?

Hey! Have you gone to the amazon gaming site to claim it? It's kinda unclear but you have to head there and redeem.


Should be a little 'claim' about our slushie. If you've already done that, and STILL don't have it, let me know!


Originally posted by Alexthegreat47

Sorry, I just misunderstood what exactly it‘ll be changed to. Will it be something more general like “ends mid-February”? Or will it be removed entirely?

While I have you, I’d like to ask about an issue I’ve noticed with the Doom Slayer costume (the same issue is present with the Aim Lab costume). Right now, the visor is just a texture rather than an actual visor with transparency. Because of that, custom faceplates and eye animations from emotes are not visible. This somewhat comes off as laziness and/or shortsightedness from the costume’s designer. Is there any chance you’ll considering fixing this?

I believe we're looking at the timer having an approximation at the start, with that clearly indicated (approx X days), then when the date is locked in, it will change to show the new date without the approximation part on it, but its still being tested!

For transparency in skins, that's actually something our Art Director responded to yesterday on Discord as well. No plans to fix it right now as its as intended for the time being; rendering and loading transparency is extremely costly. I'll send you over his full explanation when I start work in a few hours. It wasn't a mistake.