Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

21 Dec



Our CS/Support team can guide you to try and remedy this - if you haven't already, pop them a note here: support.fallguys.com and they can take a look. Let them know you've already tried linking/unlinking as that is one of the steps we recommend :)


I was in-game with a load of people wearing the snowman bottom with other tops and I couldn't figure out why it made me so uncomfy

Now I know. thanks i guess


Originally posted by heheloll

I did contact them but I am still having the same issue, for me it happened after the last update.

What did they say? Feel free to DM if you want :)


Disconnects/crashes are best investigated by our CS team. You can contact them here: support.fallguys.com!

They'll go over things like hardware/variables I can't easily discuss and diagnose with you all to try and figure out the root cause with the teams.


Originally posted by DatFenrisTho

Been happening to me too, moreso when viewing or purchasing items. u/trichoglossusbee sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to make sure you guys knew about this!

No worries at all, I wasn't aware of this issue!

Disconnects/crashes are best investigated by our CS team. You can contact them here: support.fallguys.com (I will post in a separate comment as well for those who are also experiencing this).

They'll go over things like hardware/variables I can't easily discuss and diagnose with you all to try and figure out the root cause with the teams.


Originally posted by Dane-Kenobi

Do I have to log-in by a specific date to get this? I’m away from my PS4.

Nope :> will be here for when you're back!


Is from us. You all have it :). Happy holidays.

Have a wonderful festive period. Happy falling. <3.

External link →

Originally posted by boo4411

I'm missing the "Jumping Bean" nickname for the crown Rank 6 reward - I am now Rank 7. I might also be missing the pattern for Level 5 but no one has identified what the pattern is that you get for that rank (I have quite alot so deciphering which one it is hard).

Heya, our Support team can check that out and grant missing items if needed. Pop them a note at support.fallguys.com and they can help :)


Originally posted by boredatworkbasically

never again the gloves. 1 random rag doll means you lose out to people taking the easy ice path.

I do want to practice flying over the gloves on the wind. I've seen people do it. HOW DOES IT WORK!!!

Do you have to basically hit the air current from as high as possible with little forward momentum? Like you jump dive and hit the air stream at the end of the dive before your bean starts falling?

I do want to practice flying over the gloves on the wind. I've seen people do it. HOW DOES IT WORK!!!

SAME!!! Someone has put a good video here, and I find it SO hard to do myself without falling flat at the first box!


Originally posted by Nethervex



So do crowns from season pass count or not? Is it only real wins?

For S1 and 2, the season pass crowns weren't counted, but from 3+ they are!


Originally posted by ojos_de_videotape

But why can't you make all rewards visible?

We're going to work on this, but we didn't do so for first release so that we could introduce the ranks as priority and improve the UX over the next few seasons.


Originally posted by DaaxD

IMHO it might be even easier to just fly over the punchbox section altogether using the fan under the checkpoint, than trying to do what /u/trichoglossusbee is suggesting.

Like this (trick is at 27s mark)

The surfaces on those those punchboxes are just so treacherous that it's better to not to try any funny business.

I keep trying this but hitting the first punch box and sliding to death, goddamn


Originally posted by krae_man

Is the update not out on PS4 yet? I'm level 23(270 crowns) and the witch bottom is the only gold outfit piece I can find.

Heya! Sorry for delayed reply - was offline over this weekend. Have you gotten your rewards?

20 Dec