Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

17 Dec


Okay so....

Professional hat on: can you tell me what happened here?

Curiosity hat: please tell me your Nephew just ran around the ice like a madbean and took full advantage of the empty playing field. living my dream a little.


Originally posted by SparkyFishofPoly

That means a lot to hear that, it really does. It’s good to know that there’s a member of the team that has a vested interest in making the game more colorblind-friendly. Especially when said team member is familiar with what it’s like to live with severe colorblindness!

Also: as a community manager myself for a uni study abroad program, I get that feeling of “it’s good that I can’t get it out of my mind”! Whenever my students come to me with criticisms about what we could be doing better in terms of accessibility, I can’t stop thinking about how we can make it a better experience for them. That attitude has helped us become a lot more inclusive over the past couple years, and I couldn’t be more proud of fostering an environment where our students feel comfortable being as constructively critical as they want!

That's so good, and also, what a rewarding CM job too :D! That attitude is the super duper right attitude I think to have as a CM. You HAVE to genuinely care. I was a Fall Guys player before I was ever Fall Guys CM, and I am still a fan as much as I am a CM, and that certainly helps. If you don't genuinely care about what you do, well, it goes very badly...


Originally posted by omgwtfjesuslol

From everything I've seen during the transition to Season 3, you've been absolutely great during all this. There's been a lot of frustration going around, even from me occasionally, but I wanted to take a second to let you know that I've been incredibly impressed with how communicative you've been with this community.

Honestly, you've made a huge difference in the time you've been active, and I'm hoping others here will give you the credit you deserve as well.

Thank you so much. I really enjoy chatting to you all and the perspective you give, issues you raise, and bugs that you flag are crucial to us! :)


Originally posted by SparkyFishofPoly

No worries, I figured that might have been the case which is why I thought I’d do a gentle “poke” post here (did I do the social media word right, am I “cool” yet?). I have a lot of respect for the team, and I hope my criticisms and disappointment don’t convey anything to the contrary. But if all of you are able to make something happen soon to make team games (particularly 4-team team games), Ski Fall, and Thin Ice more playable for colorblind people, I think the Community as a whole would be very thankful.

More than anything, I think back to when I was a kid playing games. I got made fun of all the time for missing “easy” color-coded things in games. I failed science classes because I genuinely couldn’t do anything color-related (pH testing literally brought me to tears since I spent hours upon hours doing it and still failed the assignments as I got all the colors wrong).

So while I’m mostly fine with working around it by this point in my life at the ripe old a...

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My dad is extremely colourblind, so I think of him when I read your post. I won't be able to get this off my mind for a while now. Which is good, really. I'll absolutely see what's happening and if there's more we can do.


Originally posted by SparkyFishofPoly

I’m happy y’all continue to be so communicative about everything, y’all really did deserve the Community Support Award.

That said, I still haven’t heard a single thing (beyond very vague “I’ll pass it along” from support) regarding how season 3 further compounds already-existing issues for colorblind players. I made a post yesterday where you can see a ton of fellow players voicing their support or noting their own troubles as colorblind players themselves: https://www.reddit.com/r/FallGuysGame/comments/kebjqj/season_3_makes_fall_guys_even_less_colorblind/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

I really sincerely hope you’ll all consider fast-tracking this fix, as it prevents a large number of players (notably colorblind children who might not even realize why they’re struggling w...

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Oh I am so sorry I missed that thread!!! I am based in the UK so sometimes I miss the most active times in this subreddit.

I will raise it with the team to see if there's active plans that I am not aware of yet. Thank you for very well thought out and important feedback on the game in the meantime.


Originally posted by Nyteshade517

At least those things are fixed so that's good. I still want the Crown Rank issue to be figured out. If the target is "end of the week" that just leaves tomorrow since I doubt anything will be done about it over the weekend. So it does look like this is going to extend into next week (or longer.) Was that part tested before Season 3 launched or is that another one of those "We can't test for that" things?

I don't know what 'one of those "We can't test for that" things?' is in this context.

They are working as fast as they can on it (as they were with these fixes), and if it does extend into next week, you will all know.


Originally posted by johnnysilverpaw

Thank you so much, /u/trichoglossusbee ! You’re the best :)

Y'all are the best!


Originally posted by [deleted]


There's been a lot of feedback on SS. Twofold responses - sorry for scapegoating your comment for the first one as I know you didn't specify it but easy for me to roll into one for anyone browsing :)

Uneven Teams

This SHOULD only occur in the Winter Playlist, and not in the Main Show (unless a player drops out after the round has been selected)

Griefing and That Bean Keeps Stopping My Entire Damned Team

We're not proactively looking into this right now. It might be something we check in the future (in terms of 1 bean's ability to stop the ball), but I can say these are some tips that have helped me so far:

  • Hop around the ball and push in the same direction as the griefer. This helps it gain traction in a direction

  • Navigate the ball to the punchboxes and try and punchbox around the level to cover ground

  • Grab the griefer back so they loosen grip for a second and yell exp...

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Originally posted by IamYour20bomb

Same. People talk about them as if both were the same type of games but AU could not be farther from a platformer racer. Personally I do not see even the characters as so similar, only just on a very basic level. Those who stopped playing Fall Guys completely and went over to Among Us instead, would have quitted FG anyway, if not for AU than for some other game. They do not went over to Among Us because it is a much better platformer game, but because they were not interested in Fall Guys enough in the first place. Which is not a bad thing of course, many good games can exist paralelly without this senseless need for competing with each other and trolling those who like one or the other.

Absolutely. I know from a community standpoint, no CM in the world condones leaving hate on other game's posts anyway.

I think at the end of the day, most who leave those comments and believe it aren't really people who play games regularly.


Originally posted by IronMark666

Great news but god damn I want my crown rank rewards 😭 Fingers crossed it's not too far away. And thanks for the quick fixes team.

Woop! Hopefully soon - will let you all know if the date for the fix extends into next week.


Originally posted by ExplodingCar84

Is there an ETA for the crown rank rewards? Should we expect a fix in a few days? Also thanks for the bug fixes, great season so far!

It's very difficult to gauge, at the moment we're hoping for end-of-week, but that could change. If it does, I'll specify that in a new thread. I cannot wait for you all to see the crown cosmetics!


Originally posted by LmpOCanadiumFurryAIt

Unlike what the naysayers allege, you guys are working your asses off and have been incredibly responsive to the community.

Woo woo woo wooooo!

(Thank you so much!)

Woo, woo woo woo wooooo!

(Thank YOU for the patience and for playing!)


Originally posted by ThatDudeOverThere

so is this a general ragdoll fix or is it specific to hex-a-gone?

The fix was identified and implemented following the Hex-a-Gone issues which is why the update is specific to it. This should have a positive effect on general ragdolling across the game, but it wasn't designed holistically with that in mind.


Originally posted by 1SirJohnSmith1

Thanks guys!

Happy Fallin' :D

Hey all!

Over the next few hours you should see an update available for the game. We've fixed:

  • Players will no longer ragdoll aggressively on Hex, and Hex is back
  • FPS improvements on Egg Rounds
  • Pegwin Pursuit will now appear in the Winter Knockout Playlist (!)

We are still working on Crown Rank rewards!!

We have also fixed this (hadn't seen it reported on this sub yet, but so you're aware)

  • Prime Gaming - On PS4 players can now unlink their accounts

That's all for now! Will sticky for a bit.

External link →

I have to say, I don't understand the comparisons to Among Us outside of both games being 'trend games' for a period of time. I don't play Among Us instead of Fall Guys when I play it. I don't consider these games interchangeable, they are for completely different scenarios to me haha. I also can't imagine only playing one game at a time depending on what's trending?