Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

18 Dec


Oh no!

I've spoken to the team - We did a whole bunch of testing and weren't able to reproduce this!

I can't remember how bad it was before, so going to have a look back now - hopefully, it's at least way less frequent now?

We will keep you posted!


Originally posted by Shawakamigo

Thank you, your reassurance made me feel better after I just got 2nd place in a 26 player thin ice >.>

if it makes you feel better, this morning i made a Hole of Death in thin ice, but forgot to make it so i could escape, and was the first eliminated


Originally posted by Shawakamigo

Hey bee, I have a quick question/concern:
If I have a bottom of an outfit, I have a top and vice versa.

In my shop I bought the whole set of Reindeer but only the top of Sleigh Bells (the blue variant of Reindeer) .. I'm terrified that I won't be able to get the bottom. Is this my OCD fate? Am I doomed to never get the bottom?


Do not worry :> the bottom is queued up to appear! You will see it in due course :)


Originally posted by beanrace

u/fallguysjoe u/trichoglossusbee Player instability clip from after the hotfix.

Heya, the team are aware of this and are investigating today. ><


Originally posted by DetectivexConan

Thanks for the update Bee. Is there also any update on the expected crown rank reward fix, or is it still unknown whether it will be today/tomorrow vs. next week? Thanks.

Waiting to hear about today! I should be able to give an update in a few hours about it :)


Originally posted by symonalex

Hi Bee, I’m still getting season 2 stuff in my regular items slot, when will we see this season’s colors and patterns?

Hey! So that's actually how it's going to be for the season, where all S3 cosmetics will be in the featured store (and via drops/famepath/ranks etc). The regular store will have the featured items from the previous seasons as well as the regular cosmetics from previous seasons.


This is affecting all users at the moment - the team are currently working on it! You will be able to purchase your deer-y beans very shortly!


This is affecting all users at the moment - the team are currently working on it! You will be able to purchase your deer-y beans very shortly!

Update: this should be working now. This is affecting all users at the moment - the team are currently working on it! You will be able to purchase your deer-y beans very shortly!

External link →

17 Dec


Originally posted by epthegeek

This seems like a lazy excuse. The level just before rock’n’roll snow edition is a race. The race has control over how many players qualify (barring ties, I suppose) so switch off the raw ‘x percentage of people qualify’ and make it 12 or 15 - problem solved.

I can suggest it as a new feature, the show selector doesn't really plan ahead like that currently, so it might be more complicated to code that exception in than it sounds


Originally posted by SlendyGonGetYa

I’m still waiting on my crown rank rewards too but I linked my Amazon account and didn’t get that costume either, is it all related?

The Amazon award would be unrelated. Our support staff can try and help with that - pop them a note at support.fallguys.com :)


Originally posted by CloverUTY

Can you modify the sucker puncher platform in Tundra Run where you don’t automatically rag doll when you run on top of them? Super annoying!

Also, can you add a 2nd staircase from the start of Tundra Run on the other side of the 1st staircase? It’ll make the map symmetrical and not force 60 beans into a very tight space.

Looking into the puncher stuff right now! And interesting comment on symmetry, I'll raise with the team.


Originally posted by xorox11

What was the issue with Hexagon? Sorry first time heard the word "ragdoll".

Basically, people were completely unable to get up after a fall in time, meaning they were just sinking to the bottom layers :<


Originally posted by SparkyFishofPoly

A tl;dr of the issues and potential ideas for solutions colorblind people like myself have come across:



Problem - For the majority of colorblind people, the 3 main team colors (red, blue, yellow) are largely good. However, for colorblind people that only see in monochrome, they would still have trouble with it.

Potential solution - A suggestion was to add shapes in some way to the beans to make them distinguishable even without color. I’m not sure how that would be implemented though, but I think it’s a good idea to add a secondary way to differentiate beans even for those that can’t tell color apart at all. Adding this as a togglable option in settings would make sure only people that prefer using the setting have it on as well, preventing any confusion among regular color-vision people.


Problem - The 4th team color (green) throws a huge wrench into the colorblind accessibility. Some colorblind people ...

Read more

Thank you so much for this. I'll take proper time to read and digest these suggestions over the next few days.