Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

14 Dec


Originally posted by darthservo

So, I know this is slightly off topic and I'm not trying to be antagonistic, but I would just like to understand this stance a little more clearly:

What is the difference in competitiveness between purposefully incentivizing players to aim at super-high-tier and extremely rare yet publicly visible unlocks and making personal statistics available? Both count wins and crowns. Both would be visible.

I'm just really curious as statistics are something that some of us would really appreciate, and thus far the answer has essentially been, "they'd be too competitive."

For me, stats would be awesome to have in-game, and I think it's something that we continuously assess rather than blanket rule-out. It's not something we're going to re-approach until we've launched out S3, but I do hear the constant requests for it and would also love to see it for myself (and my measly single-digit wins)

However, to answer what separates this from that - it's only a small nuance really, but when I think of this, I think of incentivising and giving people something to strive towards when they have out-performed the Fame Path.

Stats are more of a quality-of-life thing though, I don't see them exactly the same way, but they are certainly related :-)


Originally posted by garthstropicaldrink

This sounds great! What’s the highest crown rank?

Very high indeed.

Keeping in mind we have a lot of people on over 1k wins already, and we want this to incentivise even them.


Originally posted by DisappointedExister

All I imagine out of this thread is that one photo of Obama giving Obama an award

"Well done, me.

From: me"


!sticky for a bit


Originally posted by Xaevier

Pretty excited for this. I have 100+ wins and stopped playing for a while because there wasn't much more to aim for after that

This will help. You should already have some awesome unlocks off-the-bat as you've secured a LOT of wins, with a lot to work for still.

Blog from Playstation here! Coming tomorrow with S3, we've got CROWN RANKS πŸ‘‘

Key points:

  • Gold costumes and exclusive unlocks for our most competitive beans
  • The more crowns you win, the better you rank, and the more you unlock
  • This is backdated - so your rank will take into account all wins before S3!

This does NOT replace the fame path - but is an addition!

So basically if you remember the tweet from ...

Read more External link β†’

Originally posted by SirPixelord

Sounds awesome. Are you guys doing more social media/contest costumes this season?

Yeah we will be :D! In general from now on we'll always keep some variants aside for us to gift out and use in contests.