Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

09 Dec


Originally posted by ColinG23

I think a "rough timer" is a good thing you just need more emphasis on it being an estimate. It's going to be near impossible to pin down an official release date for the each season but that's why the double exp until release is a good incentive.

If the community misunderstood the countdown and thought Season 3 would start at the end of the countdown it's because it needed more explanation.

You can understand why players would believe that the end of season would naturally mean the start of a next.

Plus if the timer ran out and players were suddenly recieving no experience points, no levels and no loot that will turn players away from the game because they are essentially playing for nothing.

Maybe instead of a countdown in days to could just have something along the lines of "Season 3 Coming Mid December" so it's more vague but playes get the sense of urgency to unlock their loot before the time comes.

When I said there was misunderstanding, I meant it was because of the poor design, not that it was the communities fault.

I try really hard not to blame things on the design or Devs, they're trying their best, and this is just a case where a feature wasn't really done in the best way.

When players unanimously don't interpret something in the way it was intended, the feature is flawed and not communicating what it's supposed to. The fix for that is changing the feature, or removing it. We're leaning towards changing it now - and making it more obvious what it actually means.


Originally posted by arvs17

A phase without any season live is just bullshit overall. Like, if you're not gonna release the new season then at least extend the current season instead of ending it. Not all people completes their battlepass on time. Really wish they never communicated that way trying to cover their asses and just be straight up honest when season 3 will start.

We've extended season 2 into season 3 and that period will have double fame points. We announced that yesterday when it was fully confirmed with the Devs.


Originally posted by Seidnerz

Yeah. Differentiating the end of one season with the beginning of another is a bit odd.

I’m glad to see Mediatonic is not actually cutting off the ability to grind seasons 2 rewards until season 3 is ready. Maybe that was their initial intention and they decided against it because it would be perceived very poorly, hence the jumbled messaging.

As dumb as it sounds, many companies do this. There have been gaps in which no battle pass is running in Brawlhalla and Rocket League. Brawlhalla seems to do this intentionally, with every battle pass this far ending weeks before the scheduled release of the next one.

Warframe makes entire “intermission” nightwave series (essentially free battle passes) because of how long the gaps between nightwave series are.

I genuinely have no idea why any of these companies don’t just let their previous battlepasses run until the new ones are ready. No one would expect new weekly challenges or tiers but they might as well ...

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One problem is that we actually don't have a locked in release date for the next season when we launch the current one. We have an estimated one in mind, that we work towards - but it always adjusts as we get closer to the time. Making games is a creative task and you can only predict how long things will take to a certain extent. We don't want our team to crunch to hit deadlines, or work outside of normal hours and burnout. So we hold off announcing the official date until we have full confidence that it is possible to hit it.

That's the issue with the timer - we're literally not counting down to the next season, we don't have that date, really. We're counting down to a date that is slightly before the next season.

We're now thinking we won't remove the timer but we'll try to find a way to display it... In a way that attempts to explain what it means (that the season will start winding down at that date, and the next season will start soonish afterwards)


Originally posted by kidbuuzero

do not remove! we love having the counter, but we want the right one! this is because we are hyped about the next update, and not having it on time breaks our dreams

I don't think we are able to add a countdown to the next season - we don't know that date exactly when the current season launches. We can only countdown to a date that is slightly before the next season - then we can do double fame points until the real date.

I said "remove it" as we were discussing through options with the Devs and that was one of the ideas we were chatting through, the Devs are now in favour of just making it way more clear that it's counting down to the "winding down" part of the season, rather than counting down to the "end of the season" which suggests "the start of the next season"


Originally posted by Nyteshade517

Pretty sad that yet again we get more info about the game from leakers than actual announcements from Mediatonic.

You literally just described what a leak is lol. Information that we haven't announced yet, being shared before we are ready to share it.

Having an announcement at the game awards is a huge deal for marketing the game.

Holding info back to make a bigger moment for marketing is completely normal for any game.

08 Dec


Originally posted by FrustratedFries7

Oh ok. Its just that since originally S1 flew swiftly into S2, i thought thats how S3 was going to go.

But in the discord announcement by Oliver was basically just a "technically we didnt say that so haha"

I'm not surprised you thought S3 was going to go the same way really, and sorry that it hasn't been clear at all - it sucks but I want to solve this going forward so we'll not have any issues like this again, as it really is a communication thing that can be solved by a few small changes (and something I can help with a lot in terms of getting word out / helping with visibility here)!


Originally posted by FrustratedFries7

I think oliver on discord was pulling the whole "well we never said that S3 was going to start right after S2, you misunderstood us" when thats how it was in S1-S2

Ah I see!

Just re-reading now that work has finished for me - what Oliver articulated is correct that the timer hasn't historically indicated the start of the next season, but has indicated the start of "Thing that will happen between seasons before we show the next date", but with only a two seasons being done before, we haven't really have a 'standard' yet on what we do between seasons. The knock-on of that/poor communication has got us here. We certainly don't mean it as like 'oh no you misunderstood us and that's on you guys', more 'oh we did not communicate this properly'.


Originally posted by jaywhisker37

Thanks for taking the time to reply, I was not expecting it, and I appreciate all the work you guys do.

I do think that something that could perhaps really help for next season would be like, a weekly thread kind of like the ones that the sub does already, but where you guys could let us know what you're working on, just so we have that vital communication. I feel like, as folks have said, a lot of the reason for the animosity lately is that there's been so much silence from yall as a company as to what's being worked on. I mean even the Trello issue thing barely seems to be updated anymore. That was a great step towards more open communication, and I hope you guys continue down that road. It's the vaccum of content from you guys recently that has caused theories such as the season being delayed to crop up.

Again, thank you for doing what you do, and I have faith that in time the communication will improve, but I do feel like some kind of consistent, weekly update t...

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I think this is something I'll look to do! I am able to sticky posts here, and will likely run it that way. Thanks for the feedback as well, and yeah I do think improved communication will go a long way!


I can also double confirm this and I shouldn't be typing on a stream but here I am!


Originally posted by 2ndRunner

Just wondering... if S3 is delayed a little, can you still reach S2 milestones after the countdown ends?

Yeah you should be able to just resume grinding as normal!


i lovehate this so much.



Yeah, in that thread I did articulate this but I'll do so here again - it's a communication issue from our side that we will improve, I don't think we tried to say it was the community's fault at any point? I certainly didn't but let me know if there's something that makes it sound that way. And I also am not sure what gaslighting you mean in this instance but let me know (feel free to DM if you want?)

We're making sure we tighten up wording and how we handle the countdown timer / how season updates are articulated to you so that this is much better.


Originally posted by Colin1234569_

So it sounds like you guys are gonna keep the timer, which I think is the right move. I also think that most people would really hate it if the game existed without a season live, which is something that Oliver mentioned and almost made it sound like this was gonna happen. You guys should probably use the timer as a countdown for the next season, cause most people see the timer as useless if it isn’t that.

It's good that we got feedback on what to do/not do with the timer as that incidentally means things have changed since our earlier posts - but we're still in discussion! Likely something we'll fix with wording rather than removal, but we'll update the Trello ticket and I'll post here when we have some further communications on it.


Hey! Thank you for your support Jayde first of all, I appreciate it.

Admittedly, it is hard to wade through a lot of negativity - but something that we expect our side is the accountability from our community and it's important for us not to take things personally even if they are sometimes worded that way. Do I ever think that should devolve into "Get fired" comments or general awfulness? Never! Boo. It's not productive discussion. But is it good to hold us accountable? Sure absolutely. Just ya know - with balance.

There's a good side to this too. The vocal nature of the sub means that it's easy for us to track progress - and sentiment of course. It helps us articulate urgency and prevalence of some issues, too.

I promise I'm doing what I can to work on this and of course, would love to be able to fix everything overnight and show great progress - but in the absence of that, hopefully more proactive communication from me will help.

But y...

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Originally posted by Colin1234569_

I don’t think anyone wants the timer to go away completely. They just should have been more clear about their own interpretation of the timer, cause I think almost everyone assumed that when the timer ended it meant that the next season would start. Also I find it funny that he says the timer is also used so that “people wouldn’t be upset if it ended early”. How can he actually say that when they’ve extended both seasons already, it really doesn’t look like they’d ever release a season early.


So since then we've added to the Trello board that we want to ensure we're more player-centric with end-of-season comms, and in general, make that timer far clearer. Most people did assume that end-of-timer means the new season would start - and that's completely fair enough, because I guess, what else would it mean unless we clearly articulate that meaning in-game and on our channels.


Originally posted by garthstropicaldrink

It would be nice just to be up front with the community and say when season 3 starts instead of keeping it a secret until some award show. That just feels like a fan-unfriendly marketing decision. I think the fans would appreciate being told when the season starts ASAP and if it has to be delayed to make the game better so be it.

Absolutely understand that and we'll keep in mind from now!!