Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

14 Dec


Originally posted by trichoglossusbee

Will make sure to raise this with the team today! I love the Wimp :< we must connect his neck.

This is fixed for tomorrow's update. Never skip thorax day, Wimp.


Hey! We didn't put the Dwarf variation in the store because we felt like it cheapens the achievements of the players who spent the season grinding for it. It's likely we'll include it in the store at some point down the line though, but we want players who smashed through the Fame Path to keep those bragging rights for a little longer.


Will make sure to raise this with the team today! I love the Wimp :< we must connect his neck.


Easily in my top 5 skins for this season. THERE ARE A LOT OF GOOD ONES. I cannae wait for you all to see em.


Originally posted by JellDK

u/OliverAge24Artist u/trichoglossusbee Anything you can consider here?:) Very basic things that would go a long way!

Hey Jell :D! So many really great ideas here, thank you for compiling them! I'll send a link to this to the team for them to look at their side in case there's ideas they think are viable soon. My favourite little win is the idea of showing 1st/2nd/3rd places.


Originally posted by Jell929

u/fallguysjoe u/oliverage24artist u/trichoglossusbee Hello, in combination with the other poll. Please note that this is pretty clear: we would like to see less fall mountain. The poll results are pretty significant in favor against fall mountain. Is this something you will consider?

We're definitely open to this kind of feedback once we've see what S3 changes - on the functional side (in terms of bug prevalence) as well as on the content side (as we're adding new finals into the mix)!

13 Dec

12 Dec


Originally posted by justarandomperson124

When you buy all the kudos items 4 slots say coming soon and only 2 have items. Do you guys know about this bug? It would be nice to use all 6 slots.

This is because the 4 'kudos' slots and 2 'crown' slots are rolled separately. I'd love to fix this but unfortunately it's not something I can just tweak on my own!

11 Dec


Originally posted by Survi40r

Oh that is why I was confused because I heard the 7 names of the levels and they were all winter themed. Leaks could be incorrect of course but they said the final is thin ice? That sounded winter themed to me

Hmm not sure what 7 names you heard, but the final that was pushed back doesn't have a winter-themed name


Originally posted by Survi40r

I have a question about new finals. Oliver claimed that two levels were dropping in season 2.5 and that one was a final, but the final was pushed back as it wasn’t quite ready. Is that final dropping with season 3, or later?

Good question - that's one of the 7 levels. You'll know which one because it's not winter-themed like the other 6 (I don't think, at least)

Hey everybean!

I'm actually not working today so apologies that I'll likely be AFK from replies to this until tomorrow (I have a thing) but I just wanted to highlight some infoooooo!

Double XP has kicked in!

This will run until S3 kicks in on the 15th of December. Nearly there!

We've got 7 NEW levels coming (and 30+ costumes haha)

A lot of you have asked for content/gameplay previews of these new levels following the trailer. We don't have a gameplay trailer in the works for this, but there will be various previews coming over the next few days on levels, and closer looks at DLC and skins. There isn't long to wait until S3 is live and you can play it for yourself though! You can however take a closer look at Penguin Pursuit ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by ThinkFree

Thank you! <3

You should have a response now - please also check your spam in case it's gone there :)!


Originally posted by ThinkFree

Since you've won the Game Awards best community thingamajig, I hope you listen to your community when we say that, the in-game timer MUST reflect the actual end-of-season and beginning-of-new-season. We don't want some boilerplate wishy-washy response. And we don't want gaps between seasons.

I hear you :).


Originally posted by ThinkFree

Speaking of FM Crown Grab Bug, I have two pending requests (254005, 254092) for FM bugs where I lost the chance to win two crowns. Can you poke the assigned CS personnel about the status of my requests? Thanks!

I have nudged :)!