
Fallout Dev Tracker

22 Sep

21 Sep

20 Sep


We have our eyes on this issue and are working towards a fix for this. Thanks for posting!

19 Sep


Hey guys! The disc lamp will be in the shop on Tuesday, there was a slight delay with posting it.


Originally posted by Kantusa

u/valseek u/ladydevann can we get an update on the red disk lamps? Have they been added to the shop yet?

Hi! Yes, we hit a delay with the Disc Lamp and it's now coming to the Shop for free next Tuesday. In the meantime, the Curvy Lamp is still available for free.


Originally posted by Ahzaab

Tagging u/Ladydevann. Hopefully some will see the issue. I'd love for this to be resolved, or at least acknowledged.

Thanks for the tag here! I'll check in with the team and make sure this is on their radar if it isn't already.

18 Sep


Originally posted by h-t-

I did file a ticket but reading through the thread and tweaking a few settings on my bios I might have more info. should I file another ticket?

Definitely! Any information helps, and if you tweaked some things and have more info it could be really beneficial to see. If the original ticket isn't closed you could also add that information to that current one.


Originally posted by Spawn3232

Hi there :)

Yes i will file a ticket and try to provide as much info as possible, but it is more or less behaving just like the old Charleston bug, you probably remember rapports one that, it was fixed after a few patches.

I don't have that nice strangler PA, but could make you a video of the laser rifle / gun problem, but where would i poste it ?

You can wait out some of the lock up's (screen just freezes) but the realy bad once never get's you back into the game.

Of course! Videos are always extremely helpful for us when we investigate issues. I would file that under Technical Support > Select your platform > "My game is crashing/freezing" and that form allows you to attach a file.


Originally posted by Dannyravenhall

u/ladydevann please can you help us? I know you're not a Dev but this really is a big issue and with more and more people having access to Strangler Heart Power Armor and Legacy Weapons, parts of the game are becoming unplayable. I can't go near anyone in Strangler PA, I can't run Raids, PVP or play survival without freezing. Sometimes for 30 seconds, 2 minutes or my full game sometimes stops responding. Is there a way to at least make the Dev team aware?

Thanks for tagging in here, we are looking into these reports. I commented this in another thread, but when you come across this issue can you please file a ticket for it? It helps our team to see everyone's system information while investigating.


Originally posted by Spawn3232

Yup, heard the same, also goes for the laser file, try putting a beam splitter on it and shoot at enemies, if you are on AMD it will freeze after a few shot's.

Same kind of freeze we used to have when entering Charleston or the Charleston train station, but at least that got fixed.

I have never seen any Dev's or other Bethesda employs even making a small remark on this, but it is a big problem for AMD users ans also some Intel users.

A workaround that helps just a small bit is to turn of all cores / threads and let the cpu just use core / threads 1-8, even disable core / thread 0...

u/Valseek and u/LadyDevann would be very nice if you could acknowledge this and tell us if it will be fixed, hopefully soon, this bug has been there from beta release :(

Thank for the tag! We're looking into reports of this. When you come across this issue, can I ask you to file a ticket? It's helpful for our team to see these tickets and get system information from them during the investigations.

EDIT/ Tickets can be filed here: https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident10

17 Sep


Originally posted by pastrypalace

Did they put the wrong lamp in? The one in the event tracker is a ceiling light while the one in the shop is a table light.

EDIT: We hit a slight snag with the Mid-Century Disc Lamp and it's going to be available for free starting next Tuesday. In the meantime, the Curvy Lamp will remain in the Shop for free as well. Sorry about the delay on this one!

Hi! You're right, the Mid-Century Disc Lamp was the intended free item for Project Clean Appalachia this week, but it looks like the Curvy Lamp snuck in there instead!

We're planning to add the Disc Lamp to the Atomic Shop tomorrow and we're going to keep the Curvy Lamp free as a bonus. If you already claimed the Curvy Lamp, you will be able to head back into the shop to unlock your free Disc Lamp, too.


Originally posted by Riomaki

Was going to ask the exact same thing.

The item in the Atomic Shop is a yellow table lamp, but it's missing two screenshots and I swear when I bought it, it referred to being a "set." The red "Mid-Century Disc Lamps" described in Week 2 of the events page (https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/events) are nowhere to be found. Which is kind of a shame because those lamps are awesome...

u/Valseek or u/LadyDevAnn?

Hey, thanks for the tag! The appropriate lamps will show in the Atomic Shop for free soon. We'll keep the curvy lamp in there for free as well this week.


Hey there, please could you submit a support ticket explaining what happened and include your username?

Do let me know the ticket number when it's in and I'll have this looked at for you.



Originally posted by valiantlight2

would it help if we started nuking Grafton constantly?

I think it would, yes.