
Fallout Dev Tracker

25 Jun


Hi! Thanks for the report. If you exit Fallout 76 and relaunch it does that resolve the issue?


The repair kits should have been automatically added to the next character you used to join a world after purchasing the bundle. Would you mind double checking all of your characters one more time just in case? If you're still unable to find the Repair Kits after that, can you please submit a ticket to our Customer Support Team?

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your report.


Thanks for the feedback! We will share this.


A burglar, but instead of stealing they clean your house. Direct them to my CAMP next! I always forget to turn off my lights hahaha.


Pulled from our Known Issues List;

STATUS: We are assessing different options as the suggested approach of adding the event timer to the map will not provide accurate feedback about the actual status of the event. Each event has different event failure criteria that correspond to the specific gameplay challenges in the event in addition to the overall timer which is the maximum amount of time players have to complete the event objectives successfully. For example, in a defense objective, the object(s) being protected could be nearly destroyed but there could still be 15 minutes left on the overall timer. While we explore...

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Originally posted by mark-tc

It’s really a NW patch. Not much to assist adventure mode, which was what I paid for. Sigh

Patch 11 will be a larger patch with more fixes to Adventure mode issues.


Hi! Patch 10.5, which we're releasing today, has a lot of stability fixes and should help reduce cases of server crashes and disconnects. Give it another go after maintenance is over and let us know if the new patch helps to ease some of these issues.


Originally posted by aroidjack

Yeah...if that's ALL the notes, I love how many they're fixing in adventure mode...guess that version is now a thing of the past....there are so many more glitches that don't appear on the patch notes...that are either unlisted or going unfixed. Ugh, trying my damnedest not to be a hater of the game or Bethesda but they're making it difficult.

I get NW is ALL the rage now, but some of us don't play that way...I don't want to be rushed or stressed during my game play....I just want to freely wander the world, picking my flowers and berries, killing creatures that get in my way, and build awesome treehouses!

Patch 11 will be a larger patch and have more Adventure mode fixes. Stay tuned!

Patch 10.5 arrives today and includes a host of bug fixes for all game modes, as well as a few design adjustments for Nuclear Winter. Additionally, with this patch, Nuclear Winter has leveled-up from “Pre-Beta” to “Beta.”

Read on to catch the full patch notes for today’s update.

Patch Version

Download sizes for this update will be under 3 GB for consoles and 1 GB for PC.

  • PC:
  • PS4:
  • Xbox:

Nuclear Winter Design Changes

Items and Loot
  • Underarmor: Players can now favorite one Underarmor in the Atomic Shop for use in Nuclear Winter, in addition to one Headwear item and one Outfit.
  • Automatic Combat Rifles: Can now be found in Small Supply Crates rather than pre-existing containers in the world.
  • Submachine Guns: Can no...
Read more External link →

24 Jun


Originally posted by 3vilh3lix

gun runner doesn't work with speed demon? u/LoneVaultWanderer

I'll follow up with the devs


Originally posted by Streitaxt

@ u/LoneVaultWanderer

Pictures are from u/Samugremus thanks for borrowing it out.

Reporting now. Thanks for the tag buddy


Originally posted by MinisApprentice

Ok. I went back to all the locations and it worked just fine.

Glad to hear it. Good luck on your courses!


We've noticed this wish a lot, so we'll definitely add it to our feature request list. Thank you!


Hey there,

Could you let me know what platform you're playing on? I assume you've also tried leaving the area, logging out, and trying again?

23 Jun

22 Jun

21 Jun


I love this so much! Can we share this on our next FanArtFriday next week? :D