
Fallout Dev Tracker

21 Jun

20 Jun

19 Jun


Hi! Thanks for your report. I've sent you a PM requesting more info so that we can investigate this more thoroughly.


Hey there! We are aware of this and working to address it in a future update.


Ahhhh as an Alien fangirl, I love this so much ahaha


Hi! Thanks for the report. This one is on our radar, but I don't have a timeframe yet to share for a fix. As soon as I hear an update about this I'll let you know.


This feedback is really appreciated mate. Going to share with the team to ensure they're aware of the community's views on this.


This is really in depth and helpful info mate. As always, this will be shared with the dev team. Please keep the feedback coming

18 Jun


Hi all, and thanks for the feedback on the loading times and waits between matches. One specific area where we're looking for more details is on the wait time when returning to the main menu after playing a match. If you have encountered a very long wait when returning to the main menu (such as one minute, several minutes, etc) can you please send me a private message with the following information so the dev team can take a deeper look into reports of this issue?

  • Your Bethesda.net account name (or Gamertag)
  • The email address associated with your ...
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Oh my god, my heart. Hope to see you out there, buddy.