
Fallout Dev Tracker

10 May


Hi! We've been digging into this one and we are looking to fix this with an upcoming patch.

09 May


Originally posted by Otsego_Undead

Paging u/ladydevann,

What do you think?

It's a great idea! I'll pass it along.


Hi! Lots of good feedback in this and other threads on gatling guns, I'm going to bring this up with the devs for discussion. Thank you!


Originally posted by AdventureDriver

I want a house cat so bad! I've spent hours server hopping spawns and I still haven't found one. I've also see normal attack dogs and the black wolf on YouTube, but I seem to only get mongrels

Scoot's shack has a ton of kitties! Not sure if you can tame them, I haven't tried but there's quite a few there. It doesn't have a map marker but if you go to the Sothern Belle Motel, and pick up a Cryptid Hunters Monthly newsletter on one of the tables near the Police Protectron it will give you a quest, and that first objective is to visit his shack which then gives you a map marker. The quest also gives a cool reward :)


Originally posted by h0jp0j

I’m super bummed I can’t play - so that’s a big compliment to how great the latest release is...

i neeeeeeeed it

Maintenance is over now! :)


EDIT: Maintenance is now complete and the game is back online!

Hi! We brought the game offline to make an improvement to server stability. We don't have a specific end-time to share for maintenance, but you can keep track of any updates during downtime on the Fallout 76 forums:


08 May


We have added this to our Known Issues list, but here's some more information:

The Stimpak Diffuser is a Stimpak that restores health to you and your nearby teammates. The recipe for this item will be available in the next update. We're aware that this creates an issue with completing the Tadpole Challenge referencing the Stimpak Diffuser, however you may still complete other world Challenges to earn badges.

07 May


Hi! This is a known issue affecting Atom purchases using PayPal. If you check the “Save PayPal for future purchases” that should help your purchase go through.

We're currently working toward a fix for this with our next major patch.


Thanks for the reports on this, we will investigate!


This is my bad that this was missing, thanks for catching that! I've updated the patch notes with the intended callout for this:


  • Morgantown Airport: The interior of Morgantown Airport has been significantly reworked with new environment art and lighting, updated combat encounters suitable to the area, and features several new lore-related items, like notes.

Originally posted by Fallout76stuggles

So does this mean we can sell a total of 120 different items or is it 30 items shared across 4 vending machines. Might be a stupid question

Great question! Each vending machine grants 30 slots, for a total of 120 items.


Originally posted by ScientistRickSanchez

Are the terminals limited time or are they in the shop permanently?

The free Personal Terminal isn't a limited time offer, and currently has no planned end-date in the shop.


Originally posted by jason9045

Seems like the unruly golfers had already been "fixed" within the past week - on separate days and between a large number of server hops, I saw at least one or two of the golfers every two or three visits. I was thoroughly whelmed when I finished that objective and received...nothing but the thrill of having it finally off my to-do list. Still! This update is nothing but good news and changes.

It was still possible for low-level golfers to spawn, but happened rarely because the Whitespring tends to be populated by high-level players most of the time. This change makes it so that higher-level golfer ghouls will spawn when high-level players are in the area, enabling a wider variety of players to more reliably complete the objective.


Originally posted by TonyStark69edUrMom

So can deathclaws still be tamed by the other perk or now you can’t tame them?

I checked in on this and Deathclaws should still be able to be tamed by Wasteland Whisperer.