
Fallout Dev Tracker

03 May


I know this is a frustrating issue, but wanted to let you know that we're currently planning to address it in Patch 9 so that the Cap cost displayed when moving your C.A.M.P. matches the actual cost.


Hi! We're planning to address this issue in Patch 9 next week.


As others here have mentioned, we're working on a way to increase photo gallery space on consoles for a future update. As soon as we have all the details ironed out, we'll let everyone know. Most likely in an Inside the Vault.


Originally posted by CodyRCantrell

Hey, is there any chance we could get some skylights for our C.A.M.P.s?

I've been agonizing over what my roof is missing for days and it's a skylight.

I've seen players use the metal mesh floors as temporary sky lights. But we mentioned to the Dev's before how that is a player CAMP request. :)


Originally posted by RealRelight

I would settle for just seeing our actual character names in the game. I mean, we're supposed to roleplay and be the NPCs... that was the whole premise (and rational for no NPCs) when Fallout 76 was announced... and the very first step of roleplaying is your character name, not your account username.

Otherwise there is no point to even naming our characters.

It would also be great to be able to rename our characters. We can change our characters' sex and appearance, but we can't rename them?

I want to say there was a technical reason with the save files on why players can't rename characters? I'll have to ask the Dev's again about that.


Originally posted by SailorDak

Just had this happen to me on PS4. Very frustrating: is it gone forever on PS4? There’s no real way for me to open up a support ticket via console.

All the tickets are filed through our website here. Please let me know when you get that ticket number. Unfortunately, our team cannot restore lost items but with your ticket number, we can investigate what happened so we can address it in a future update.

02 May


Hey there, we are actively investigating this. Can you reply to this with your ticket number?


This is a really fun idea! I love it. I would like my title to be "Lady Devann, the Radiated."


Originally posted by BerkaSherka

I'm wondering this too, my plas gat is unusable atm. Hopefully they fix the invisible projectiles too.

Currently, Patch 9 will bring projectile visual effects back to plasma weapons.


Originally posted by Isthm

u/Valseek: Question about the Plasma Gun buff:

Is this also affecting Plasma Gatling? And/or is the fix for the single-shot issue + disappearing ammunition coming with Patch 9 for core-based weapons?


No, the Plasma Gun damage buffs won't affect the Plasma Gatling, as it already has some of the best DPS among heavy auto weapons.

Also, yes, Patch 9 includes a fix for the single-shot Plasma Gatling issue! I'll check in on the ammo issue and will let you know if I hear anything new.


Whoa. I hope you use a catch phrase whenever you have a kill like "You're history...."


Originally posted by xxm1lllerxx

Does anyone think that the legendary currency will be tradable?

The Legendary Scrip you receive from Exchange Machines is all yours and cannot be traded--except to the Purveyor, of course!


Originally posted by pokepaws

Hey! Feel free! Do you need me to post it to RT or do you do a kinda fanartfriday thing? :o

I'll shoot you a DM :)


This is awesome!! Mind if we share on the Fallout twitter next week? :)


Okay but that wired roof is one of the coolest things I've seen.


I'm sorry for laughing but this was hilarious hahaha

01 May


Originally posted by PokeCaptain729

You will see the sale price at 8pm ET tonight!