- Health: 530 (+88)
- Health Regen: 1.2 (+0.11)
- Mana: 400 (+25)
- Mana Regen: 1.45 (+0.13)
- Attack Speed: 100 (+0.6)
- Attack Speed Scaling: 0.59
- Physical Armor: 20 (+3.25)
- Energy Armor: 29.5 (+0.5)
- Movement Speed: 555
- Basic Attack Damage: 52(+2.6)
- Basic Attack Cooldown: 1.15
- Deploy up to 3 turrets on the battlefield, which last until destroyed. Turrets damage enemies, prioritizing units Iggy basic attacks. Turrets deactivate when Iggy is not within 2400 units and grant 5 gold to the killer. Turrets are destroyed if deactivated for 10 seconds. Turrets take 50% bonus damage from Towers and Large and Epic jungle camps.
- Throw a Molotov in ...