Original Post — Direct link
It's an Xbox controller. The controller works fine in other games and even the steam dashboard. The controller won't switch over from keyboard mode. When I press the 'xbox' button the screen will flash three times and that's all. No other input is recognized. This happened before and I ended up having to restart For Honor multiple times before it started working again.
over 7 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
Hi ragindrunk! Did you set up the controller as a Steam controller in the controller config in Big Picture Mode? If so, please disable the Xbox configuration support:

Big Picture -> Settings -> Controller Settings -> remove the checkmarks from xbox/ps4 configuration support

If this is not the issue, please open a ticket at https://support.ubi.com . Log in, scroll down, and click Contact Customer Support to create a case and our tech support agents will investigate for you. Thank you!
over 7 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
Originally Posted by Halvtand
Is this an issue that is being worked on?
Personally I only use the BPM to fix the sensitivity of my gamepad sticks, but I know that other players also like the option to rebind keys. If BPM is interfering with the game, is For Honor getting these functionalities or is something done to stop the issue?
This is being investigated by the team! You can also try the following if you're using a Steam controller:

1. Close the game

2. Use Steam controller configuration:

3. Go to Big Picture mode, select For Honor and [Manage Game]->[Controller Configuration]->[Browse Configs]->[Recommended]->[Official FOR HONOR steam controller Configuration]->[Apply Configuration]
over 6 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Hey Andrex_145, do you have any overlays on when this happens? Can you try verifying files? (Uplay, Steam)
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hi YoghurtBag! What specific controller are you trying to use by chance?
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
This is probably because you are using a third party controller. Here are the supported peripherals for FH. 3rd party controllers aren't officially supported through FH.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Thanks for providing those steps, WP_CamOrry

Hopefully those steps can help with getting this resolved for others seeing this.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Spud - Direct link
Originally Posted by Nicodemous_55
Just make it where the game is runnable through steam. Add it as a not steam game and it allows you to use the controller support
Thank you for the tip, but please try not to bump older threads! I hope you advice helps others who are experiencing a similar issue.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Spud - Direct link