For Honor

For Honor Dev Tracker

03 Dec

02 Dec


Originally posted by 28Shadow

I can't decide!

Holden is my man, but where Warmommy commands I go.

It wouldn't be fun if it was an easy choice, I suppose. Follow your heart!

01 Dec


Originally posted by razza-tu

Idk, is either side offering my Nobushi an undodgeable of some kind? :P

You drive a hard bargain.


So which side of the picture are you guys on?

<.< >.>

28 Nov

27 Nov

Originally Posted by Saevherne
Why her 1-lvl skill better then 4-lvl most heroes? Why she can cancel all her attacks?
Also poor appearance and animations
Worst ur job ever.
It's best to delete this character as if it never existed.
I think removing a hero might bit a tad bit unrealistic at the moment, but balancing isn't! I definitely would be interested in seeing some balancing suggestions for Warmonger if you have any to share.

26 Nov

25 Nov

Originally Posted by I4mTheUnderGod
Okay ive Seen Multiple Cases of Games who have upset long time Fans who were so happy with the way things were going OR they want a Drastic Change of some kind to Boost the game Forwards by leaps and bounds...Then the devs do something either messing up or doing a great job or just getting mixed in the case of GTA devs added a UI where you could Disable Auto aim when they added 1st person Seperating players with auto aim toggled off or on...Or Where Blizzard Made Dedicated Servers For The Longterm Dedicated fans of Wow Who Just Wanted The game to be like it was in the 90s when it was 1st released and times were they could finally get a taste of the game they fell in love with so long ago. When these things were done th...
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24 Nov

Originally Posted by I4mTheUnderGod
I play on XBone and the next gen is coming out...but I would like to switch to PC im just wondering what is a good pc to get for a good price that will play on top of the line performance. Also Last a Long While im not the smartest person on tech hardware im more of a software guy. Ive never put together a pc Build and never Spent more than $500 on a Pc Pls Help.
I purchased a pre-built PC from Amazon that works like a dream, and it was decently priced! I would recommend checking that out and doing some research on one that you're interested in.

First of all great work on the art itself, but this is a really interesting take on Nuxia. Cool to see "what if?" type art. :)


You gotta love a triple legion kick leading to a team rally.