Fortnite: Creative

Fortnite: Creative Dev Tracker

07 Nov

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After a new update and season launch, some creative assets increase in memory usage and put creators’ islands over the 100k memory limit.

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Workaround None

JIRA FORT-227580

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description This issue is confirmed to occur in modes where Glider redeploy is not enabled.

Platform All

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JIRA FORT-202584


Who turned off the lights?

We're investigating an issue where Creative Islands with low lighting can appear darker than intended.

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Originally posted by JaketheSnake094

Hey thanks for this!

Can you please add the option For after the broadcast device broadcasts a message it transmits on a channel?


Yes will add an ability to transmit after the message has been sent.


Originally posted by PotatoeMasster69

Will you guys be adding more music or possibly custome music.

Yes the plan is to add more music to the radio device, we've talked about adding an ability to record sequenced music blocks into the radio device, is that the type of thing you're thinking about?


Originally posted by Brushie_Brushiee

Hey there! Thanks for the AMA, I'm a fresh new user of the Creative tools so i had a few nagging questions on my mind.

  1. Any Chance of Moving Platforms, or something akin to that? I've flown around a few ideas that would be best used with a moving platform, or something akin to that, and teleports can only really work so well, sadly.

  2. Any Chance of standalone customiseable spot lights? I've wanted to use lighting in cool ways, but it feels really janky having to test which specific prefab light gives the right effect, and then trying to hide the prop that's casting it.

  3. Is there any way to make flying a pure toggle, instead of double tapping the jump button? Carefully placing props has been something of an exercise in frustration when i need to ever so slightly shuffle down, only to start plumetting 5 stories down at breakneck speed!

Thanks again for the AMA!

  1. We'd love to have moving platforms, there's a bunch of work to make them good.
    1. We'll add more options for lighting to the list, We can do some cool things.
    2. Setting up a key bind for fly is possible will add to the list.

Originally posted by MarcAS47

First of all, the amount of work you guys have put in is actually amazing. My only 3 questions are: 1- Will we ever be able to set the item spawner to a br floor loot preset (same spawnrates, weapons)? 2- Are you guys planning to make the storms in Creative more like chapter 2(more visibility)? 3- are there any chapter 2 galleries coming? (new trees and rocks for example)


  1. Great idea on adding BR loot preset to item spawner for floor loot. Will add it to the list
    1. Will look at making a version of the storm that's more like chapter 2
    2. Yes. There are chapter 2 galleries coming

Originally posted by ItzElectric

Do you guys plan on fixing inconsistent spawn pads when the teams are set differently, it's been a problem for a few seasons! As always thanks for everything ❤️

We're aware of a bunch of bugs related to spawning in the sky, and spawn priorities not working, player spawning onto the correct teams pads (if they spawn on the pad) we haven't seen any specific issues. The bugs are work in progress on fixing and you'll all be seeing improvements over the next few releases.


Originally posted by Ep8Script

Hiya! Thanks for another AMA.

Rather than a feature request to start out as you often see, i'm just curious as a game designer myself: how difficult can it be to consistently add to an ever-growing sandbox? To elaborate, I mean it must be difficult to do enough testing and ensure that items and devices work well enough and correctly together, especially with the Channels system, and are there any specific cases that stand out? I remember this being brought up about the Infinity Blade + Phone, and the Jetpack + flying. (If you can't answer or don't wish to, that's cool.)

Also, 3 quick things I'd be interested in seeing (or wondering if it's in the works):

  1. Teleporters: Thank you! Just wondering if the "Relative" feature could be expanded on to correctly show the angle the player is looking? Right now, if you look up or down, it resets your position to looking straight and it isn't quite as seamless as I'd hoped for.

  2. Also teleporter rel...

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Testing creative is incredibly hard, we target the big changes in testing, and have a standard set we do every release. We are incorporating more creator made test maps into our process to ensure we're not breaking existing games and mechanics that all of you use.
1. We'll add the bug that we don't keep your view direction when teleported. See if we can fix it
2. We haven't talked about anything that does relative distance movement as a device, we'll consider it.
3. Reverse sequencer with a signal is a great idea we'll add it to the list.


Originally posted by Hellshock77

Hey, appreciate all of your guys' work!

Do you think we could see some more custom Fiend settings? What I had in mind was an ability to choose what they drop and a difficulty scale (gets harder/more spawn in as time increases)

Yes, more fiend settings are planned including being able to set what they drop.


Originally posted by DimensionalDragon

Hello! I always love reading these AMAs, creative has so much potential. You guys do a great job!

1) Would you guys consider adding NPCs that can be 'dressed' with an outfit from a player's locker? (Like if you have Castor, then you could make him an NPC in your game)

2) Will the water prefabs ever get the animation and physics the BR ocean, rivers, etc do?

Thanks, appreciate ya'll :)

  1. NPCs are absolutely on the list of features we'd like to add. What appearances the NPCs use is still an open question.
  2. Water prefabs won't be getting new water those prefabs will stay the same, we'll be adding more water features in the future that support the new water systems

Welcome to today's Fortnite Creative AMA! We're looking forward to all your questions and will answer as much as we can over the course of the next hour.

EDIT: We're out of time! Thank you to everyone who came and asked questions. We appreciate the enthusiasm you share with us for Creative!

Who's here?

  • Zookeeperzak - Creative Development Director
  • frukostkungen - Tech Artist
  • BrownFort - Developer Relations
  • Timorous_Beastie - Gameplay Designer

Thanks to those who had questions yesterday. Here they are with their answers. Ask away!

When will we get fishing rods / motorboats in creative?A: They are on the list to be added as soon as we can get water working in the way we feel works for creative. We’re not sure on the exact timing yet.

Are there any plans for prop merging?A: We’re talking about solutions to allow creators to create their own ...

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06 Nov


Originally posted by popular

Will we be seeing some updates to Replay Mode soon? This is our primary way to create videos and promotional content for our maps and unfortunately doesn't work great. I personally crash every time I click on the timeline :(

Can you send me a direct message about this? Would like to get some more info and submit a bug report


Hey everyone,

We'll be hosting another Creative AMA to answer your questions! Join us on this subreddit on Thursday, November 7th from 10:30AM-11:30AM ET (3:30-4:30PM UTC).

Who will be there?

  • Zookeeperzak - Creative Development Director
  • frukostkungen - Tech Artist
  • BrownFort - Developer Relations
  • Timorous_Beastie - Gameplay Designer

We’re opening up questions early so ask away in the comments. We'll use some of these questions to hit the ground running when the AMA begins. We’ve had a lot of changes since our last AMA and are looking forward to your questions. See you all on Thursday!

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Which map / code, what platform, any specific settings? We updated the HUB lighting about 10 hours ago which should have resolved it being too dark on all platforms. We're tracking down the bug where the lighting sometimes transfers to the next loaded island.