Fortnite: Creative

Fortnite: Creative Dev Tracker

21 Aug

20 Aug


UPDATE: The error messages that occurred upon the release of the v10.10 Content Update have been resolved. Jump back in and enjoy!

Hey, everyone.

We're aware that some players are encountering errors upon the release of the v10.10 Content Update. We're looking into these errors and will provide an update when they are resolved.

Thank you.

External link →

Hi, all!

The v10.10 Content Update has arrived. With the return of Dusty Depot in Season X, we're commemorating the occasion by adding some Dusty-themed prefabs and galleries.

For more information, check out the patch notes

External link →

We're aware players are experiencing issues with voice chat. We're investigating the issue and will provide updates when we have them.

UPDATE (11:27 PM ET): Voice Chat is working properly again. Enjoy the game chatting with friends!

External link →

19 Aug

The v10.10 Content Update drops tomorrow, August 20 at 8 AM ET. Wipe away the dust when the Patch Notes are available. No downtime required.

External link →

15 Aug

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


We're checking into this.


This should be resolved now please double check. We had to apply a hotfix.

14 Aug


Originally posted by TehBoi3

Can the new version of the item spawner be copy and pasted?



Originally posted by sneakervirgin

they did???

The new item spawner you can set a cost in wood stone or metal.


Originally posted by VisualGear

I just can't write anything in the text area only. The other settings are working fine. Been happening since the season x launch for me.

Ugh. K checking on it. Thanks


Originally posted by ZorcDeesolay

Is there any way we can post different versions of the same map? Or was that removed when you added the updating code feature?

Can't make different version of the same map at the moment with the new update. We are working on duplicate island right now, didn't make it into this build.


Originally posted by HellYahBrother

Great patch as always guys. It's crazy how much creative has evolved since release last December.

Here are some things I wake up eagerly at 4am every patch day hoping to see:

1.) No build zones to go with the no shooting zones. No shooting zones are kind of broken since players can box eachother up, with no way of breaking out.

2.) A teleporter device or maybe something that will help with long distance travel on larger maps?

3.) A device that can destroy player built structures in a given radius repeatedly via trigger or timer. This would be good for FFA maps that get too cluttered with builds after a while. The explosive device is a good start but only has a 3 tile radius and is only a 1 time use device.

4.) An option in the game settings that lets all teams edit a pre existing player built structure, even though the rest of the map is set to "indestructible"

  1. No build zones are on the list it'll be a while til we get it in though
  2. Teleporter on the list as well
  3. Device to destroy buildings sounds awesome, will add that idea to the list
  4. That's in. Set Environment Damage to"Player Build Only" in Game Settings

Originally posted by R69L

Sweet, Lots of amazing changes and additions. I just started working on my mals again and now with the singular code it will be waaaay easier to not have to update promo art with a new code each time I update them.

One question thoigh, I remeber previously there was a option added to the menus where any tile based object ppaced would not disturb or delete any props. I cant seem to find it now. Was it removed or is it a bug?

Cant wait to start submiting maps again.

Building Can Destroy Environment setting in Game Settings is that what you're looking for?


Originally posted by VisualGear

I can't edit billboards on console still. oof

Are you referring to the cost of the billboards or the settings not saving on channels? Both bugs are being worked on for the next major release.


Originally posted by Petricality

Although this was a much needed feature, I’d much rather see a bigger update focusing on bug fixes or at the very least, an explanation to why they cut the memory usage of a lot of items in season 9 but just reverted them back in season x (e.g. billboards were originally 100, through all season 9 were 7, and are now 100 again in season x)

On top of that, triggers (specifically channels) have basically been broken since release (for Xbox at least) with channels not saving on pretty much any device

I know they keep adding a lot of great content and features to creative and I’m thankful for that, but it seems at the moment that they’re just sweeping the older “less relevant” features under the rug to be forgotten about

Billboard cost is getting reduced in next release, couldn't quite get the change in in for 10.10 sorry. We are still trying to get budgets right, that one got inflated beyond where it needed to be.

The Xbox channels bugs is getting fixed in next release as well. Ended up being much more difficult then we expected. That bug has been around way too long, sorry.

We try every release to make sure we're fixing major issues while also adding good features. These two issues are major and we are working on them, ended up being a series of unfortunate events as to why they aren't fixed.


We are working to add duplicate island to a release in the near future to bring this feature back. We love how that was being used as well. Couldn’t finish that in time for this release.


All your old islands are there preserved.