Fortnite: Creative

Fortnite: Creative Dev Tracker

29 Mar


Originally posted by aajr06

Will there be a anti-gravity field or the whirlpool like produced by the cube (Kevin)?

I think we would love to add slo-mo and gravity fields. I'll follow up with the team to see where this is at. It might actually be in progress already!


Originally posted by DimensionalDragon

With the release of texts, could you guys make it so that we can go through them? Like just a setting saying "Barrier: On/Off". I always have to put the texts touching the roof because it blocks doors for people to go through. This would make narrations, etc. much easier.

Yep we'll add disable collision to the billboards. Not sure which patch though.


Originally posted by cmanthethiccboi

Are going to add new monsters that are original to creative

Great idea! What sorts of AI behaviors would you like to see?


Originally posted by FastFoodLegend26

Will Creative and Playground ever be merged into one mode with the functionality of both? There have been multiple recent changes that have gotten me thinking about this, such as adding the Battle Royale rifts to Creative.

We're exploring this right now. You've probably noticed the two modes are becoming very similar, since we added portals to BR along with 16 player fill. But there are quite a few more challenges we feel need to be solved before combining them will feel right to players and creators. We'll see where we end up. Your feedback really helps!


Originally posted by SeaAntlers32002

Will there ever be Save The World features in Creative? Like the weapons that are in there that are really good looking? Or the actual husks and make husk spawners that spawn them in the sky?

There's more work to add those items to creative, we want to do that as soon a we can free up the time.


Originally posted by Sam115270748

I was wondering why me and my friends always get a build and edit delay when we set the number of lives to like 1or 2. We never get delay when theres infinite lives though. Any plans to fix this?

Haven't heard of this bug before, we'll research it.


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

This doesn’t specifically relate to Creative, but is there any chance we’ll get more melee options, like using fists instead of pic-axes?

Yes, we've been talking about this as well. It'll be a ways off, it's a great idea.


Originally posted by FlatPancakes0405

Any plans for either Hop Rocks, Shadow Stones and other foraged items (like apple) to be added to Creative in the future?

Yes we're working on it!


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

With the “Starting Inventory” trap, can we get an option for it to “reimburse” what you have? For example, you spawn with 3 dynamite, and every 30 seconds, you automatically are given 3 more.

Interesting... I'll add that idea to the list.


Originally posted by leadx24

Will there be a way to delete islands?

A whole bunch of new island management features are coming! We want you to be able to make copies of islands, delete them, set names for them and eventually screenshots. Plus a lot more!

Edit: Typo


Originally posted by BehnBTW

Are you guys planning on adding sand to the galleries?



Originally posted by miningstone2002

so I've never gotten a clear answer on this, but is it required to have a support a creator code in order to publish a map?

Yes for now. Best way to gain the ability to publish is creating an awesome creation, post to reddit, discord, or our submission form and ask for a code, if it's noticed you'll get a message from us.


Originally posted by miningstone2002

so I've never gotten a clear answer on this, but is it required to have a support a creator code in order to publish a map?

Currently yes, only Support A Creator members can publish maps.


Originally posted by Mythic_Freddy01010

will you add an actual map to the creative islands instead of having a blank map space?

Great question. We're sorry that we don't have a useful map or minimap in Creative yet. To start we're going to provide options to allow creators to hide the map in their games, along with other HUD elements. Down the road we'll see about allowing for a map that's faithful to your creation. It requires a decent amount of engineering work, as the BR map is generated using an offline process here at Epic, and the StW map is generated in a way that isn't really compatible with how Creative works. So we'll need to come up with some new special sauce for map generation. Can't wait to work on it though!


Originally posted by JaketheSnake094

Is there a possibility that you can add a setting that makes it that the island doesn’t reset to its pregame state when we finish a game?

Sry for spam

What would you use that for? We might add something like this after we've gotten a few more features around saving and copying islands.

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Originally posted by TheMetalForge

Will you add “Slide” game mode options in game settings?

What are the specifics settings you would like us to have?


Originally posted by SlappyHei

Any plans for adding more effects?

Yes, we'll be adding more for sure!


Originally posted by TommyBoomsS

Will we have a feature that we can enable first person mode in creative for more fun?

There's a good chance we'll do it someday. We want you to be able to create whatever game experience you would like, including First Person games. It's a bunch of work to make the BR content properly compatible with FPS, so I'm not sure where it will land on our priorities.


Originally posted by Jackbols

How can I get a code for a map that I spent a lot of time making?

Post to reddit, would love to see it.


Originally posted by hermanlegerman

Are you going to add storm zones? Right now DonnySC has made a lot of "zone wars" maps but it's not a real storm :/

Storms are coming