Fortnite: Creative

Fortnite: Creative Dev Tracker

29 Mar


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

I understand getting “The Floor is Lava LTM” physics would be difficult for Creative, so instead, can we get the option to change music sequencers’ direction to move up/down?

Planning to add something exactly like Floor Is Lava. We can do the music sequencers up/down as well :) good idea.


Originally posted by David-Daved

Will you add colour option to builds?

We have lots of color options with the Obstacle Course galleries. We're looking for opportunities to add more.


Originally posted by lolCafe

Will Playground ever get infinate ammo/mats?

Yeah there is a good chance. We want to combine some of the "island settings" features with the playground configuration. We're still talking through the possibilities, but hopefully we end up being able to have lots of additional settings added to the Playgrounds BR map.


Originally posted by Ivantherock

When will we have the ability to remove people from our creative games instead of having to unfriend them and then back out of the entire map? Too many times I allow people from my stream to join our creative games and they start the game without waiting or do not follow the rules and would save everyone a lot of headache if we could just remove them on the spot instead of ending everything.

We're working on the ability to start private servers that you can directly control who gets invited to the game. We're hoping this will remove the need to kick people, while providing more ability to create private games for all sorts of game experiences.


Originally posted by MackJackTwitch

thanks for the answers above! u/zookeeperzak A few other things, any chance of

-lockable doors with action key to unlock

-more designs of non grid locking wall/floors to make small entrances (similar to the wall behind the throne in the castle prefab)

-More rug options that show even in low graphic settings


-some kind of button (trigger) to push to open a door (for example stepping on this square opens this door, or ring the doorbell action will unlock something)

-ability to edit published codes or at least disable codes

-storm option

-ability to walk through mirror or other objects

Again thanks for all your effort put into creative! We all appreciate it so much!

Walking through objects is a planned feature -- we're working on it right now! Btw, a (possibly bad) workaround is to use the Cut feature to move walls out of the way temporarily, then Cancel to put them back as you pass through. It won't get you under the terrain though. The feature we're working on will allow you to pass through terrain if you need to.


Originally posted by cmanthethiccboi

Will you work on adding more storage and teleporters like the ones that were in wailing



Originally posted by madwanz

Please tell us something about adding the storm to creative/ playgrounds it would be so much fun to have a proper br match against your friends!

Storm is coming.


Originally posted by Colemichael16

Are you guys planning to add intractable buttons that open doors and remove walls and do other stuff?

Yes yes yes! We're still figuring it out though. Hang in there. :)


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

Is there any possibility we can see more objects with the same physics as the Snowmen? They’re affected by gravity, meaning if their floor is destroyed, they fall to the ground. However, with everything else, the objects either stay floating in the air or get destroyed.

Yes, definitely. In fact we're planning to add prop spawners that spawn objects which full physics simulation. Sort of similar to how our vehicles work, but more efficient and with more configurable options.


Originally posted by KingWooly

Do you have any plans to add the corrupted trees, rocks, and grass?



Originally posted by treeplayz

Will you be adding teleporters.



Originally posted by KrootzyTV

Can we ever see a desert biome island?



Originally posted by Jpzzl123

Do you think you will ever add things like the old tilted buildings that have been destroyed as a prefab?

That'd be awesome. I'll check with our Level Designer.


Originally posted by Nox_Box

I would like to ask for three features:

  1. Add wall version of speed modulator
  2. Allow us to assign skins to sentry bots
  3. Allow us to give ability to players to edit stuff but not be able to damage other structures


What would you use 1 for? We could absolutely do that.

Skins on sentries..... oh yeah, not sure on timing it's coming though.

What type of game would you use #3 for? Sounds very cool, likely pretty tough to do, we will consider it though.


Originally posted by ndunn1

Will a tool be added to help us delete a whole building instead of just small parts of one?

Yes, sort of. We're working on it. In an upcoming release you'll be able to select many building tiles quickly and move or delete them. Beyond that we have many plans for improved workflows when dealing with many objects or entire prefabs.


Originally posted by RayBenefield

Are there plans to re-visit the basic editing tools and controls? For example, rotation in Creative is one of the biggest things that keep me from getting back into it. I come from a Halo Forge background and rotation accuracy and snaps are so much more fluid and intuitive. Another meaningful tool would be fine editing controls that allow you to zoom in and slightly adjust with minor increments. In addition a first person mode so the player model is no longer a factor in visibility would be wonderful.

Yeah this is a great question. Many of us have lots of experience with all sorts of game development tools, and I personally wrote many of the Unreal Engine 4 tools and viewport interactions. But we came at Creative with sort of a different direction -- we wanted you to be able to be social while creating, and we wanted the controls to be physically immersive. The tools also needed to be fully collaborative. In many ways, the approach we take to designing Fortnite Creative interactions is similar to how we create new items and weapons for BR and StW.

However, that's not to say that we won't introduce many "pro control" features and modes in the future to give power users the most efficient workflows for world building. But I think as you see where Fortnite Creative evolves, I'm hoping you'll appreciate the more "immersive" direction we're taking with the editing powers. We think it allows for some awesome possibilities down the road!


Originally posted by andy3174

Any plans to add a Pirate Ship Gallery of the one seen in Lazy Lagoon? That’d be amazing, thanks!

YAR! We love the Pirate Ship too! We're looking at how we can bring that into Creative.


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

Could we get a mode similar to Halo’s “Oddball?” This is where you earn points every second for carrying an objective. The first player to get a set amount of points or has the most points when time expires, wins!

Whoever is holding said objective, would only be able to melee attack players, similar to the sword.

Awesome idea. Adding it to the list. Not sure on the timing :)


Originally posted by gamesk8er

Really appreciate this AMA. Thanks for taking the time.

Everytime I play around in Creative, I feel like I see a fresh, new idea.

Very curious to hear how often the other devs draw inspiration from Creative!

Especially for ideas/concepts that have already been implemented into Fortnite!

Reasonably sure there's already been a few. Probably some on the way as well!


All of us are collaboratively creating creative, reddit, creators, players, we all draw inspiration from each other and we're extremely excited to be part of this amazing community of Fortnite Creators.