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Every single match I load into my voice chat completely cuts out after like 3 seconds. I am forced to leave then return for everything to work properly and it does this every time. What can I do to fix this because I have cost myself and my teammates many many games missing rounds...
over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

We're currently experiencing some issues with voice chat not working correctly. We're currently investigating and will keep you updated.

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over 5 years ago - /u/TheStevieT - Direct link

We're aware players are experiencing issues with voice chat. We're investigating the issue and will provide updates when we have them.

UPDATE (11:30 PM ET): Voice chat is working properly now. Enjoy the game chatting with friends!

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over 5 years ago - /u/TheStevieT - Direct link

We're aware players are experiencing issues with voice chat. We're investigating the issue and will provide updates when we have them.

UPDATE (11:27 PM ET): Voice Chat is working properly again. Enjoy the game chatting with friends!

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over 5 years ago - /u/TheStevieT - Direct link

We're aware players are experiencing issues with voice chat. We're investigating the issue and will provide updates when we have them.

UPDATE (11:29 PM ET): Voice chat is working properly now. Enjoy the game chatting with friends!

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almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Wan - Direct link
Hello there, Eclipse_Carnage! Thanks for reaching out - I'm sorry to hear you've been having this issue consistently in Siege. With that said, we do have a dedicated FAQ for troubleshooting in-game voice chat issues in Siege specifically. I advise you check this article out, for starters in tackling the issue you've mentioned!