Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

19 Mar

Hey, all!

We're posting to let you know that we've released a maintenance patch on PC to address stability.

Thanks! 🙂

External link →

18 Mar


Originally posted by rayblu_reddit

Well... were you trying to increase the amount of spawns for the ''no dancing'' event? I can only see that as the reason behind it, even though the spawns before were perfect enough.

There is supposed to be a slightly higher number due to the event. Currently the amount that are actually spawning feel higher than the intended number. We're gonna take a look at the spawns and see what's up with that.


We're taking a look into the amount of lobbers that spawn in zones. Definitely feels higher than intended.

17 Mar


Originally posted by Pottatostein

  • **Explanation**: Skins, backbling and pickaxe from BR aren't being applied locally in the game, but appear fully functional in the locker. *it seems it is only locally since you can see other players skins in the mission*
  • **Evidence**:
  • **If reproducible, how**: Applying a skin, backbling and pickaxe from BR and entering a mission.
  • **Platform*\*: PC

Thanks for the report! I've passed this along to our QA team to make sure it's something they're aware of.


Originally posted by xX_Hero

**Explanation**: Storm King’s Onslaught still bugged. The projectiles not seeking the target head. Sometimes they turn to the ground. This since v12.00

**Evidence**: shooting hucks with the Storm King’s Onslaught in regular mission

**If reproducible, how**: same as above

**Platform**: PC

Thanks for reporting this. I've sent this over to our QA team to make sure they're aware of this issue.


Originally posted by Algebra4TheWin

**Explanation**: Husks killed by defenders to not count towards a daily exterminate mission.

**Evidence**: My assault rifle defenders were killing the husks, but my daily assault rifle kill count did not increase.

**If reproducible, how**: Put out a defender with the same weapon as your daily exterminate mission.

**Platform**: PC

We're still in progress on this one. We'll make sure to let you know when it's resolved.


We're still working to get this one addressed and I definitely apologize for the delay. It's definitely frustrating to have your eliminations sniped by your defenders.


Could you use the in-game feedback option if this happens to you again? Title it with: Cosmetics - Not loading. This will give us all the information we need in terms of client logs. (Tells us what's going on behind the scenes).

Definitely interested to learn more about this one as I haven't experienced it myself and it wasn't seen in testing. Let me know if this happens again!

It seems that an unlikely hero arrives at homebase. Does he have what it takes to join the fight? Downtime has ended for the v12.20 update.
Take a look at the newest Homebase Status Report for more information about this update!
Thank you.



Downtime for v12.20 has begun.

We’ll post an update here when downtime ends.

Thanks! <3

External link →

16 Mar

Hey everyone,

Get ready to Cram, Commanders! Update v12.20 arrives tomorrow. Downtime will begin at 4 AM ET (0800 UTC).

Thank you!

External link →

There are fixes for issues with the Retrieve the Data missions in update 12.20. Here is our Trello Card on that issue.

12 Mar


Thanks for the report, u/SwagMLG345YT! Did you submit feedback using the in-game Feedback tool by chance? Also, did you happen to notice what might have caused this to happen to them?


Thanks for the report, u/progamer43! I've seen others in the comments mention this may be caused by wraps. If you've encountered this, please let me know what wraps and weapons you were using at the time.

10 Mar


Originally posted by Mercadelabuena

One in the team can always activate it, sometimes it gets bugged and it can only be started by the person who put the bluglo

Thanks for the additional information on this.

09 Mar


Originally posted by P33wack

It's caused when you phase shift or use a dragon slash through the mist/hive u/magyst has posted that they are aware of this problem and are looking in to it.

Edit: dam auto correct kept on putting give and not hive.

Thanks for spreading the word! This is correct. Movement abilities (phase shift, dragon slash, etc) where a cloud has spawned can cause the to get stuck on the player. Using Adrenaline rush will resolve it.

We're working on getting this one addressed.


Hey, u/GucciMyFeet!

Thanks for pointing this out. I forwarded this to our QA team so they can look into this.


Originally posted by ColdnessAwaits

Any chance you can help out with this, /u/EpicBoaty? Tons of people have been reporting this on the Discord server and here on Reddit but it's being ignored.

Hey, u/ColdnessAwaits! Thanks for reaching out. This issue will be resolved in our next major game update!


Mentioned this on a few other threads this morning. We're aiming to have this corrected in 12.20. <3