Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

24 Feb


Thanks for the report. Did you happen to submit feedback after the issue occurred? If this does happen again, report it and let us know. We can look for the report to gather your logs and send over to get looked at.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

So good! Even if Drift wasn't my favorite I would love this <3


Nani?! Crazy good art and attention to detail


Gym: Please put the weights back when you're done with them.




Lynx and Meowscles living their best life.


Slammed the door with such a fierce purpose it ended the match.

21 Feb


Hey, u/Bagges17.

This is an issue we're investigating. Could you direct message me your Account ID to help in our investigation?


Hi, u/QuinPlayzGamez.

This is an issue that we're investigating. Could you direct message me your Account ID to help us in our investigation?


Hi, u/Zypherusus.

This is an issue we're investigating. Could you direct message me your Account ID to help in our investigation?


Originally posted by turtlefr0g

wait, so you mean that the other unvaults like the silent smg and minigun will be in normal chests in the core gamemodes after the hotfix or just team rumble?

just rumble


Originally posted by OutcastMunkee

Oh cool. Would that include adding snipers back? Long range engagements in Team Rumble are really rough right now :(

The silenced one, yeah


Originally posted by emfminefan

Ahh, so weapons have a sort of "cover up" rarity from their internal rarity that is easier to change? That's pretty cool.

it's more like "turn off all the greens except THAT one"


Originally posted by Brookymthr

So just to make sure I'm understanding correctly.. we'll be getting the henchmen weapons and the key cards in team rumble?

Also do you know if we'll ever get them in Battle Lab? I really love taking screenshots and it would be awesome to include those items in them! Especially the key cards and (if possible) henchmen too! (if adding henchmen would cause lag, why not retexture the bot grenades into henchmen grenades? Instead of defaults, they'd be the henchmen and on rare occasions the Agents like Meowscles, who'd drop his special item when killed! :D)

Not sure about the key cards, we're looking into solutions for that. But at minimum we will just add the weapons they drop to the general loot pool in Rumble.


Originally posted by emfminefan

That's actually quite interesting! It just never got changed from all that time ago? Not even accidentally when the new variations were included?

Changing stuff like that is likely to cause bugs worse than team rumble missing a gun for a day :)


If uninstalling and reinstalling doenst work please fill out a bug report located in the settings menu of party hub.


Originally posted by TheMarioManiac

u/EpicDustyDevo is the team rumble loot pool really meant to be this small now? Everyone now has the exact same load out and people leave a lot more than last season. No snipers really harms the mode since it drags it out longer. There isn’t even any of the unvaults from yesterday either.

No, we will hotfix on the weapons that you can only get from henchmen in the main modes. We had to cut henchmen from Rumble to keep framerates up, but those weapons not being included in the mode was a mistake. The fix might take longer than normal due to HQ getting snow last night, but we'll take care of it as soon as we can.