Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

14 Sep


If you are facing the same issue, please help us investigate and let us know the following: Where did you land? What mode did you play?
Thank you for your support!


Thanks for alerting us - we’re going to investigate on this

13 Sep


Originally posted by Sethyfufu

Are you guys ever going to add 120FPS for iPad Pro? Or at least tell us if its being looked at like how you did with building/editing sensitivities.

The words 120fps and mobile have been spoken. But the reality is that wont happen any time soon. We still have devices that need to be looked at and run 60 correctly before we jump to any further fps improvements on mobile.


Originally posted by IOnlyPlayAsSnowfoot-

Hello house! This is 100% off the topic rn but I just want to say that I am loving the voting feature and I bet many others are! Can’t wait for tonight’s vote!

I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Hi, u/tucker01max!

Are you referring to "Deal damage to opponent structures with a Minigun"?

We released a fix today to make it track progress!


Originally posted by 40455R

That’s not a very productive viewpoint. But I do think it’s possible to be overlooked until next patch. Which isn’t very fair to 1/3 or their business. Mobile players still want to compete, stream and do everything other platforms do this week/weekend as well.

This is not being overlooked in anyway. If this issue did require an entirely new patch, Apple's Certification is not an automated process like others. So a team needs to be available from them to review the patch.


Originally posted by dc_giant

Why does it take so long?! On other platforms there’d be a hotfix ASAP. It’s been DAYS now, not HOURS.

We do need a hotfix for this. Also how did this make it thru QA? How will you make sure this won’t happen again?

This cannot wait for weeks! It’s unplayable right now.

Ok let me try to explain.

There are major differences between a hotfix and patch. I wont go into the detail about it, but feel free to look it up.

The day the patch went live I woke up, went to reddit and saw the audio issues, the first thing i did was let the entire team know and they started working on the issue first thing. We tried several aspects to fix the issue without a full client patch being required. We even did try a hotfix, but this caused stability concerns. Client patches can take up to 48 hours to cert. PC does not, this is why PC can get a full client patch faster. All platforms need to go through cert process.

There is still being work done on this right now. Please stay patient and know that it will be fixed as soon as it can.


We are aware of the audio issue. This is not being ignored in anyway because "its mobile". Its being worked on as a top priority, trust me :)


Originally posted by mrwright26_

Usually when I respond through ingame feedback I get zero response, also happens every team rumble match multiple times

You dont get a response from ingame feedback, that is not how the system works. The reason you report the issue is for the dev team to gather your game logs. This is the same as PC but on PC you can just send us a file, mobile and console require that you send feedback for issues.

But again, you will not get someone sending you a message back.


Thanks for surfacing this!

We're investigating why these pieces are missing and are working to get them fixed.



The Star Wand and AC/DC Pickaxes have been temporarily disabled while we investigate an issue.

We plan to have these re-enabled in the next update.


Did you change any settings such as look acceleration? What device are you on?


Originally posted by Primesixt9

I still don't get why rift zones don't get turned off after 3rd or 5th zone

In 10.31 (next week) final circles will no longer end in rift zones.

12 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]


The fix requires a client update and we already have 10.31 in flight.

The B.R.U.T.E. has been re-enabled in all playlists.

External link →

The B.R.U.T.E. has been re-enabled in all playlists.

External link →

Fixed in v10.31 next week.


We're aware of audio delay and stuttering issues impacting iOS and Android devices. We have posted a Trello Card about this issue.

External link →

We are aware. Fix should be in 10.31. An attempt to hotfix off new audio mixer failed as it resulted in crashes :-/