Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

03 Nov


Thanks for the patience here folks. Sorry for the interruption.

Fix for the issue here has been deployed and we are watching for full recovery. Initial signs are positive. Our login queue isn't too large atm, so we should have you all back in the Battle Bus real soon!

02 Nov


Originally posted by MikeFromSuburbia

Solid update but why no sniper rifle sensitivity change? Still unbearably slow on PS4 controllers.

We're going to have improvements for this live with 1.9.

We're changing the defaults to something we find acceptable and that solves the issues that players are seeing now.

We also have console aim assist improvements coming soon as well.

29 Oct


For a little additional context here:

  • The impact on the main backend service that got thrashed today is basically 0/12/72 ratio for Solo/Duos/Squads respectively.
  • If we disabled Duos instead of Squads, we most likely would have increased the problem, due to people hopping over to Squads mode and we would have knocked things back over.
  • We are hoping to have Squads re-enabled in the next few hours.
  • We are going to swap back to Solos and Squads only in OCE/Asia/Brazil for now. This allows the most play flexibility and we are constantly evaluating for when we can have all 3 modes enabled in each region as these regions continue to grow.

Originally posted by Ur0sPwn

Will squads be up

We need to get this patch rolled out across our platforms, measure the gains in terms of lowering the impact to the backend/database, then we'll figure out when to get Squads turned back on.

We want squads back on ASAP, but we don't want the whole game to fall over.


Originally posted by Kenworths

Me and a friend on Xbox can't connect to duo servers (USA). Keep getting the "unknown error". Yet neither of us have problems with solos Or squads when it was available. Help?

That is super strange and unexpected. Can you please use the in-game bug report tool? (this sends us logs, which you can't do manually on Xbox)


This mission should work now.



TL;DR: thank you devs for being open with the players even though we probably don’t deserve it.

Of course you deserve it. Without you, we don't have a successful game to be worried about in the first place. Thanks for hanging in there with us while we grow!


Originally posted by kulvard

Sorry - more recent updates are a bit further down.

We basically had services fall back over around 3:41 EDT and login queue is extremely long atm while we work to get everything running again. Hope to be letting folks in at a faster rate very shortly.

We seem to be healthy at this point, except for the fact that Squads is disabled of course. We are working to get a client patch out ASAP that should reduce load to our backend/database, then we'll measure performance gains, and hopefully re-enable Squads at some point tomorrow.

Sorry for the wild Saturday - thanks for hanging in there with us.

Also sorry if I totally threaded all of these replies wrong here - lots of juggling going on :)

28 Oct


Originally posted by kulvard

Login Queues are almost totally drained again. If you have an obscenely long wait time atm, please try re-launching your client. (Edit - they are on their way to being totally drained. May still take 15-30 minutes to be totally drained, sorry for jumping the gun)

Today is the day of endless Fortnitemares for sure.

We are digging into a new issue with our login service - which is what folks are reporting as basically failing entirely to log in. Retrying may help. We are actively trying to resolve this atm.

We believe this may be secondary fallout from the flux of repeated logins due to the ongoing problems today and issues with sessions cleaning up as a result. We are working on this, sorry for the shenanigans one after the other.


Originally posted by kulvard

Same pattern that has been bludgeoning us today is starting to play out again, so folks are definitely seeing long waiting room times atm.

We have a "not wonderful but should keep the game alive" mitigation. We disabled Squads mode globally. We enabled Duos in regions where Duos was disabled.

Basically there is a 0/12/72 ratio of strain on one of our databases from Solo/Duo/Squads respectively.

This is a temporary mitigation to keep things alive. We know it's a hard tradeoff, but we ultimately want to keep people able to play the game at all. In parallel with all of this we are aggressively working toward client-side optimizations we can roll out ASAP.

Login Queues are almost totally drained again. If you have an obscenely long wait time atm, please try re-launching your client. (Edit - they are on their way to being totally drained. May still take 15-30 minutes to be totally drained, sorry for jumping the gun)

23 Oct


Originally posted by alexandrefp

If you have the stats why not backfill it now? Im afraid I will lose the wins that never showed up T_T. Please give me an answer so I dont feel afraid to never get those wins

We can only backfill during downtime, so we will get them in with the next patch


Originally posted by GraeeWolff

Will this also backfill the ones that were missing from when the stats were live? I had 2 wins missing from solo over all since this game was launched.

Yes they will!

20 Oct


Originally posted by Tuas1996

That entire hill and everywhere like it cant be built on, its f**king dumb and should be changed.

Spoke with our level designer. This is a technical problem and we have a task to fix it. Our desire is that you would be able to build there. No ETA but wanted to let you know we are aware and tracking it. Thanks for the reports and feedback everyone.

14 Oct


A couple quick clarifications based on other comments in the thread:

When we update during the next downtown, yes it will include the missing Wednesday data as well.

And yes this will fix it for everyone, not just if you sent me your name :)

13 Oct


Hey - I just wanted to give you a quick update on your missing wins and kills!

First of all thanks for all of you who submitted your name and what was missing to me, that helped me track down a bug in my query that was pulling your stats. It was looking for a specific piece of data to calculate your placement but if you let the server time out and got kicked after your win, the server was never sending me that event.

Luckily we have other ways to collect that data (so don't worry, it's not lost) and our process has been corrected.

Unfortunately, the fix will require another backfill of data which can only occur during downtime. Right now we are still working on the schedule of when our next downtime will be, but once we have it, I'll be able to insert all of your precious missing datas (which was about 10% of wins and all kills that occurred in those wins).

Sorry about that!

External link →

12 Oct


Hi Friends! It does indeed look like some wins slipped through our mass of data! My bad! We will get those fixed up when we backfill the missing data from yesterday! I don't have a timeline yet (we are fixing some unrelated issues on the stats system currently) but I will update this once I find out!


Originally posted by PlayPoker2013

My stats are wrong. I won a duo about 3-4 nights ago and it says I haven't won any. Hard to trust any of the other stats now.

Can you PM me your Ingame Name and the platform you play on?


Originally posted by Skigazzi

How are Duo / Squad top 3s / 6s handled? individual finish, or squad finish?

They are squad finish, based on the last member alive

10 Oct


Originally posted by 25_MODULAR_TERMINALS

It only happens once per play session on my computer, don't know if that's useful info but If I keep playing without closing the game the following matches run smoothly.

Thanks for the info. Is this happening to everyone on PC? Any other platforms?


Originally posted by jizzpellets

I've had it happen both when I die, and when I got the killing blow on the last player alive. I don't think it affects the outcome, just stutters after the death is already registered. Still, annoying!

Yup, we agree this is annoying. The hitch does happen after death but it makes you feel like it was happening before. We are looking into it.