Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

12 Jun

Fortnite Competitors,

In less than a year, Fortnite has grown to 125 million players. To celebrate the community and embrace competitive play, last month we announced that Epic will be providing $100,000,000 to fund prize pools for Fortnite competitions during the 201...

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11 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


You'll get the same error message at tier 95 or above when trying to buy this bundle, since buying 5 or fewer tiers individually is cheaper than the discounted bundle.

Cheers, Michael Noland


Originally posted by mcnabbbb

Hahaha, I'm so sorry, I just came across them, I would've credited you if i knew. But you work for epic and get to work on awesome stuff like this, and that's by far cooler than karma. Loving the game and all the stuff you guys add to it!

No problem. Just messing with you! I got my internet points on Twitter today.


u/mcnabbbb taking my sweet sweet Reddit karma and grabbing my twitter photos? ;)

We have a ton of awesome stuff we made for the week, can't wait for you to see it all.

09 Jun

07 Jun


This is amazing, nice work!

06 Jun


Originally posted by damontoo

He said in another comment he didn't make this. Just found it somewhere and posted it here.

Ah - missed that. Fixed!


I'm blown away by ClayClaim's Clay, more!

01 Jun


This video is incredible. Definitely appreciate your passion, and we hear you.

We are regularly evaluating viability and logistics for new server regions, like a dedicated SEA region. Just like we stood up Brazil and Asia, and then eventually added Brazil to Xbox. I can say SEA is an active area of investigation for us. I can't give a timeline, but we absolutely want to make this happen when it makes sense to do so.

Also, a couple folks here mentioned cost/benefit analysis. That's actually not the core focus, or even a major factor in opening a new region. It's really about evaluating experience tradeoffs, impact to existing regions, etc. We are also exploring tech solutions to help make some of those tradeoffs easier to mitigate.

Thanks for being awesome.

Hey everyone,

We received great suggestions and advice for Solo Showdown over the course of the competitive LTM from players all over the world who participated. The Fortnite team also has a few fun stats to share from the Solo Showdown LTM.

  • For the top 100 players, the average eliminations per game was 4.96
  • Average Solo Showdown match length was 5% longer than regular solo.
  • The tiebreaker difference between #100 and #101 was seven eliminations.
  • The European region had the most players in the top 1000.
  • Teamers were banned from the event and cheaters were permanently banned from Fortnite.

We’re pumped to bring our players another competitive experience with a new Limited Time Mode: Blitz Showdown.*


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Official Contest Rules

By participating in the Fortnite – Blitz Showdown Limited Time Mode (the “Contest”), Contestants agree to be bound by these Fortnite - Blitz Showdown Official Contest Rules (the “Rules”), which are binding and final on matters relating to this Contest.


In the Blitz Showdown LTM you will be placed against other self-selected competitors making this the ultimate test of survival.  Placements in this limited time mode will be specially tracked and determine rewards you receive at the end of the event. The top 100 players in each server region will be awarded.

Your first 25 matches in the Blitz Showdown LTM will be counted towards your Score.  You must play 25 Blitz Showdown LTM matches to...

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30 May


Originally posted by Jnolen_

"Player461 shopped till they dropped"

Love them both, great ideas.

    /u/arj4n on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tenebrae47

Explanation: The main ‘fire’ button on Mobile is... gone.

Evidence: It isn’t there. Confirmed with friends on Mobile it is missing for them too.

If replicable, how? Update to the latest version and it removes the button despite any settings you have.

Platform: Mobile.

Please give Mobile some upvote lovin’. We bitched and moaned so hard to get this button and now it’s gone!

It won’t appear even with tap-to-fire disabled. It is nowhere in the customise HUD screen and I’m at a loss.

we are aware of the issue, and are investigating what we can do to fix. in the meantime, resetting custom Hud layout seems to fix it. sorry!

29 May


Originally posted by somedewdonreddit

I am unable to upgrade my account as it says the email is already in use, why?

That means there's already an Epic account associated with that email address. You can try logging in to the Epic Games website with that email. If you can't remember the password, you can hit the "Reset password" link in the login screen and you should get an email with instructions.

24 May

    /u/3van on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by KegSed

Thanks for that clarification! This is pretty awesome! Can we join solo and have the whole map to ourselves?

You sure can.

    /u/3van on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JamesBoboFay

So is the playground just you and your friends or are there still 100 people in the game? I'm kinda confused how it's gonna work.

Just you and your friends.

    /u/3van on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WilforkForFood75

Up to four people in your squad. from my interpretation it’ll still be a full 100 person lobby. but with friendly fire you can scrim teammates, which is the reference to the size of four I believe.

Nope. Just you and up to three other friends in a match by yourself.

    /u/3van on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by robbyro5

So can I be the only player in the playground LTM or is it just a normal match with 100 players but we respawn and get faster loot?

You can play by yourself in a match if you'd like to. But it's obviously more fun with friends.

What’s up Fortnite community,

Let’s take a dive into some of the things we’re working on behind the scenes!


We’re looking at ways to make battling, building, and moving in Fortnite feel great on controller. We took an initial step with Builder Pro and feedback from you to create a better experience for console players swapping between building pieces. 

Builder Pro Improvements
We heard your feedback about Builder Pro feeling inconsistent.  Sometimes after quickly switching to a building piece, it would not place when you pressed the button.  Similarly, Turbo Building could force you to let go and re-press to start building again, making it unreliable.  We’ve fixed these issues, and Builder Pro should feel consistent.

Turbo Building Improvements
In the v4.3 update we’ve fixed various reported problems with the Turbo Building feature, such as building being cancelled while cycling through tra... Read more

22 May

The Fortnite community has reached new heights in 2018 and it’s because of you, the fans. All of our players, partners and friends have helped make Fortnite so awesome this year… it’s time to celebrate!

Where are we dropping?
Downtown Los Angeles! The Battle Bus is en-route to E3 2018 and the whole squad is coming. Join us at the Fortnite booth 2723 in the South Hall of the LA Convention Center, or tune-in to the 100-player Pro-Am featuring your favorite Fortnite pros and celebrities. FN_Event_E3_ProAmBlog.png

Fortnite Celebrity Pro-Am

On Tuesday, June 12th, 50 pros and 50 celebrities will pair up to earn the ...

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