Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

11 Jan


Hey /u/kkruel56 we're aware of a bug where some telescopes won't appear, we should have a fix for this released tomorrow morning.

Today’s forecast predicts tornadoes and lightning joining the Island’s elements. Find out below how to use this new weather to your advantage! And speaking of weather, turn up the temperature with the unvaulted Flare Gun. 🔥

Twister and Shock: New Weather Explained

If you see a tornado start to form, that’s no signal to flee. Instead, run into it as a swirling escape strategy! You’ll spin round and round ‘til you choose to glide to safety — or if you stay spinning long enough — ‘til the twister spits you out. Don’t worry: you won’t take fall damage if you get hurled.

If you see a dark cloud start to form, that’s not necessarily a signal to flee either. Sure, the lightning from it deals a small amount of damage (and sets the surrounding area on fire) but the power of its shock gives players a temporary spee...

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10 Jan

09 Jan


Originally posted by TomorrowOk40

I was doing an official survey and after 20 minutes of relevant questions it started to look suspicious and asked me questions about my employment status and residential status

Those are standard lifestyle questions we ask in most surveys. If you are not comfortable answering them please feel free to leave them blank.

08 Jan

07 Jan

06 Jan


Originally posted by maxt0r

Same here. From what I've searched looks like lots of people are missing it, tagging /u/FreightTrainUSA and /u/EmptyTux for visibility, thanks guys!

Hey /u/maxt0r and /u/MysticEspeon - we'll be granting players their missing winterfest banners in the near future alongside our push to give everyone who hadn't received the Golden Look Board Glider for being part of the Fortnite Crew.

We'll update this @FortniteStatus twitter post when this has been done:

05 Jan


Originally posted by cookedfnmalt

I'm not completely sure when this bug occurs but opening the map or inventory seems to get rid of the bug for a few seconds.. doubt this is on other devices but I've only heard about this bug from Tab S7+ specific users.

Okay, that's good info. Can you explain exactly what the bug is?