Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

11 Jul


Originally posted by code-CashMacYT

Will u ever fix the iOS 13 crashing glitch

We've not yet fully optimized Fortnite for iOS 13 and are working on this for when iOS 13 releases to the public. If you can go back to your previous OS I would recommend that for stability purposes.


Originally posted by Sethyfufu


Since you said you wanted one, I guess I can give you all one spoil. This change will affect patch v9.40

  • Added new Edit From Touch setting to enable/disable editing from touches (defaulted to enabled).

Matchmaking is currently experiencing issues and we are working to resolve them.

UPDATE: Good news! The matchmaking issue has been resolved and queue times are returning to normal. Thank you for your patience.

External link →

Matchmaking is currently experiencing issues and we are working to resolve them.

UPDATE: Good news! The matchmaking issue has been resolved and queue times are returning to normal. Thank you for your patience.

External link →

Are you asking me to give you all a spoiler?


Originally posted by Karam2468

Yes I am, it started happening today. I remember it was frequent like 2 seasons ago but its been a long time since ive got this bug so thats good. My pc friend also gets it. And sometimes, the game freezes for me and my friend at the exact same time. Freezing is never a common occurencenfor me. It then defreezes for me and my friend at the exact same time.

Friend on PC gets it as well? Can you have them also submit feedback and grab a video if possible? I'll need the username


Thanks for the video. Has this happened before Karam or is this the first time? You are still using a Note 8 as well correct?

10 Jul


Originally posted by ezidro3

So this overrides the 50 elims from yesterday's update?

This is an all-platform change and not just mobile. We will be looking at match lengths to determine if any additional changes are needed.


Hi, everyone!

The 13th Challenge for 14 Days of Summer event has been auto-completed for any players who log in while those Challenges are still available.

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Hey, all!

We’ve resolved the issue preventing players from receiving rewards for completing Challenge Packs. Any missing rewards will be gifted on your next login.

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