Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

24 May


Originally posted by HybrydN

Thank u for ur work and have nice day )

Fixed the tent & Junk problems, and couldn't find any floating grass, so I think someone else already got that one. Fixes will be in 9.20. Thanks again.


Originally posted by TheShoobaLord

Holy crap! The god himself responded! That’s what I assumed was the answer, just didn’t want to sound dumb I guess..

There's only one God, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like me...

(there's only one correct answer to this comment, I'm counting on you guys)


If you can provide a video that is on Season 9 along with a screenshot of your custom hud that would be great. Also remember to report it in game under feedback and let me know your IGN so we can find your report.


Hey there, I'll be reaching out to you in your messages. It would be great to get your logs!


Thanks for pointing those out, will take a look at fixing them tomorrow.


Originally posted by otterwolfy

I never said I don't want building in the game. Ground game has building and makes you have to plan your building more, and manage your mats differently, rather than building a sky scraper when you get shot at. I like this game and I enjoy playing it and will probably keep playing it regardless.

I don’t think we will bring back GG, it didn’t get much traction. But we have some other LTM ideas revolving around limited mat use that we’ll put out to see what you guys think in the next couple months.


Originally posted by TheShoobaLord

What do they mean by they would have to go through the hassle and change the names?

Sorry, was just making a dumb joke... they are “limited time” modes so if we kept them on they’d no longer be limited time and we’d have to call them something else. I was probably tired when I said that. Carry on...


Originally posted by cydon1999

Its my favorite game mode and epic has made a point of keeping a permanent respawn mode in the game for players who like them at most if not all times.

If 50v50 comes back you either add a permanent respawn to it or it goes into the other LTM slot and team tumble stays.

Team Rumble was created because 50v50 with respawning won’t run well mid to late game. It’s likely we will bring fifties around again from time to time, but the large team respawn modes are much more popular.


We slipped up on the Slippery Wrap. The wrap does not animate. The rarity will be changed to uncommon and the price will be reduced to 300 V-Bucks in the future. We will be refunding the difference to anyone who purchased it.

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