Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

19 May

18 May

17 May


Originally posted by klayylmao

Essentially at some random point in games, turbo build stops working for people who are using controller on PC. It essentially acts as if your turbo build setting is off even though it is on, and it never works again for that game.

A lot of other people are having this issue as well:

I'm going to try to look for a video right now and I will post it here if I can find one, but this is becoming a huge problem for controller on PC players.

Edit: here's a video on it.

Read more

Awesome! Thanks so much, for tracking that down. I'll pass this along to our QA team to figure out the issue


Originally posted by klayylmao

Hey Stevie, can you please tell your team about the bug where controller players are unable to turbo build on PC? It works for a bit and then it just turns off in the middle of games. It's so incredibly difficult to play without turbo building right now.

Can you upload a video showing the bug? Much easier to reproduce a bug with visuals


Thanks for pointing that out! I'll shoot this over to our team to take a look

Hey folks! 

This week we’re openly discussing critical bugs found over the weekend, new features, and our upcoming competitive-focused AMA. 

Weekend Issues

Last week, we discovered a critical issue where players could become stuck in a vehicle and unable to exit. We made the choice to remove the root of the issue by disabling all vehicles, rather than electing to play through the Finals even with the bug. We felt that it was more fair to remove all vehicles to ensure players weren’t penalized for something outside of their control during the Finals.

Due to a critical issue with players getting stuck inside vehicles, we will be disabling all vehicles in Arena and Fortnite World Cup Online Opens through this weekend.  We plan on re-enabling... Read more

Originally posted by Harry_Flugelman

This totally happened to me yesterday. V annoying. Would love a response from epic. That umbrella should be mine!!

Are you sure you didn't get the umbrella? We are theorizing that this may only be a visual end screen bug, and that you actually were granted a win if this happened to you.


Originally posted by B4Nd1d0s

Will have the QA guys see if they can reproduce this. Please let me know if you guys are only seeing this when 1v1, or if it occurs in other situations as well.


Wow, that's a weird one. For those who have had this happen, was it always when you were 1v1 at the end of the match?


A few questions

  1. What device do you use?
  2. What are your current in games settings? EX: Med, 60FPS
  3. Did you report it in game once this happened? If so we can look into the report.