over 2 years ago - Kafka - Direct link

New Mythic Troop: Tauraeus

Tauraeus will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.

over 2 years ago - Jeto - Direct link

Hey all,

I will link this response into the other threads that have popped up about Tauraeus.

Tauraeus’ Spell is intended to have a 10:1 ratio, also followed this up with the development team for any further information that we can share.

Ketras the Bull has been mentioned as a comparison as it has a 2:1 ratio. Something to consider with this specific example is Ketras’ spell applies splash damage (boosted by Life, Attack and Armor).
So while it applies the full 2:1 boosted damage to the initial targetted enemy, it then applies half damage to any potential targets available (above and below due to the splash damage effect).
Another comparison that has been made is Gaard’s Avatar which also has a 2:1 boost ratio, applied to all enemy troops but this is only boosted by Armor.

Whereas Tauraeus’ spell will deal the total damage to all enemy Troops and is boosted by all 3 stats being Life, Attack and Armor.

The combination of how the damage is boosted as well as the damage to all enemies is why it has a different boost ratio in comparison to other Troops that appear to have a similar spell.

Hopefully, this provides some insight into Taureaus’ design.

Jeto (she/they) - Support Human :woman_mage:t2: