Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

30 Apr


Originally posted by TheGreatAl

It’s still not clear if ‘not the end of the story’ is equivalent to ‘not the end of the game’. There could be plenty of Guild Wars story left to tell, but in a medium other than Guild Wars 2.

Maybe this is meant to be implied by your post and I am just being naive, but I think it’d go a long way to hear you say that EoD isn’t meant to be the end of Guild Wars 2.

Edited for clarity: As of now, from what I've been told by those who make these decisions, it's not the end of the game, either.

(Others farther down the post kept asking for more specifics so I hope this clears it up. Please remember that I'm a dev, not someone in marketing or someone making executive product decisions. I'm merely relaying information that I was told and that I was explicitly given permission to say because I wanted to say it.)


Originally posted by Day2Dan

Thanks for replying, Bobby! Many of us have seen Rubi's post, but I clearly should have referenced it directly in my initial post regardless.

I'll refrain from attempting to speak for everyone but at least I feel that when you all are putting on your livestream show and have the eyes and ears of people who are not entrenched in the game and keeping tabs on the forums, it's a great time to dive perhaps just a little more concretely into how the rest of the story will manifest itself in the coming months/years. :)

No worries! Yeah, a little reminder goes a long way. Thanks for that.

I realize that folks are sharing lots of thoughts and opinions on the game and its future lately so I just wanted to be clear that we've already stated that there's more to come. (I think the community sometimes forgets we read Reddit, the forums, YouTube comments, Twitter, etc. but can't/won't always weigh in for fear of intruding on the discourse.)

Anyway, carry on. Apologies if I derailed the discussion. :)

29 Apr


Originally posted by ShadowbaneX

Yeah, I've been playing since the launch and this is the first I've seen this. Wish you could do similar stuff with the "nearly completed" list. There a few achievements there I'll never finish and would like to get rid of them.

I added the ability to set those to Total Completion instead of Tier Completion last year. This helps with the things that aren't actually near completion (looking at you Dry Top coins). The filters that were added at the same time also work there, although it doesn't automatically refresh, since the person working on that and I didn't know that we were both updating the Achievements UI at the same time.

28 Apr

27 Apr


#LW5Finale #EoD #Balance #EliteSpecs #LegendaryAmory #LWLegendary #3rdGenLegendaries #Marionette #LW Cycle #Events #Dates

25 Apr

22 Apr

21 Apr

20 Apr