oohh, let me know if you need any extra hands xD
oohh, let me know if you need any extra hands xD
Will do!
Full list of Carry the Creators guests at this link. https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=467303
Click the Team ArenaNet link for a complete schedule and links to team pages.
Laranity said during stream today that she was invited to raid with some of the devs for Extra Life, so I think yes!
Yup! A bunch of devs and streamers are raiding this Friday from 1-3 PM PST. We're calling it Carry the Creators. Should be a good time!
Good luck on your journey! Right there with you. After I finished the story I found it hard to pick goals for myself, but my wife helped me acquire my skyscale and now I'm chasing after the remaining masteries I have yet to unlock, in addition to dabbling in raids and fractals.
I gave up liquor about 5 years ago, and oddly enough games help. Hang in there. Sobriety is actually better than I expected. ;)