Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

05 Oct


Originally posted by mainly_maeve

feedback on their characterization and dialogue.

Oh my god I just read the wiki, and Yao is agender!!!! They're probably gonna be the most prominent not-cis NPC ever in the game!!! Hell yeah!!!!!

I looked through the wiki, and I knew about Sya already, but I completely missed Myrun Skialkin somehow! Still only 3 NPCs, but 9 years of baby steps get you somewhere!

I'm a little late getting back to you, but yes! It's time we do better about including non-binary characters. We loved Jormag, but wanted to create NB human (as in non-creature, non-robot) characters as well. Baby steps, as you said.

Yao is an internal favorite, and I'll say that there are other NPCs coming in End of Dragons to keep an eye out for.


Please say hello to Joko and Madame Cookie

04 Oct


Originally posted by Lon-ami

Metal Legion Boom Box when :(.

I don't have any control or input over that kind of thing, unfortunately.


...actually good human bards...


03 Oct

02 Oct

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Greetings Gamers!

The Hardstuck Conquest League number 2 will begin in just under an hour from this post!

Today we will be doing the EU Open Bracket where we've got some very strong teams looking to make their way to the Invitational in two weeks time!

All the action will be streamed over at MightyTeapot so make sure to head there if you wan...

Read more External link →

01 Oct


We put a lot of effort into getting Yao right! We worked with an awesome consultant who gave us feedback on their characterization and dialogue. Glad you like their design, and I hope you're as excited to meet them as we are. :)

30 Sep


Originally posted by CptGia

from field is an email address, the response would go to our mail servers (unless there's a man-in-the-middle attack)

just a nitpick, but you can specify different from: and reply-to: addresses

oh, interesting, I was unaware of that "feature"


Originally posted by negotiat3r

Hey Paul, is there a way to make these emails look more legit? Please look into that if you got time to avoid this sort of understandable confusion

I'm not sure that there is. It is an email from an email address, whose call to action is to reply. There are no links in it, and since the from field is an email address, the response would go to our mail servers (unless there's a man-in-the-middle attack). I fully support being hyper-vigilant for scams, but I don't know what can be done to make this look more legitimate.


Originally posted by Luzion

In lieu of the scams running rampant right now, would it be better to post in a discord or on the forums for volunteers instead? I'm junking all email and calls that aren't from people I know these days.

that would increase the selection bias to the people who frequent the discords and forums, unfortunately. Everyone has an email associated with their account, so we can get send emails to people who play the game modes we're interested in for the specific survey. There is still selection bias in the people that choose to respond of course, but there's not much we can do about that.

edit: I should note that I'm not on the analytics team, so I'm not certain of their rationale, but this seems correct to me.


Originally posted by bigtoolchad

Ash from Palet town?

Confirmed, but it's Pallet Town.


This is a legitimate email from ArenaNet, from one of our user researchers.