Gunfire Reborn

Gunfire Reborn Dev Tracker

13 Jul

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Froze:
Originally posted by Gunfire Reborn: Hello, do you have the log which represents this issue and share it with us via cloud drive?
For log:
Make your way to game installation folder/logfile. Here you can find all logs with the timestamps, you then can remember when the issue happened and send all possible logs to me.
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    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, do you have the log which represents this issue and share it with us via cloud drive?
For log:
Make your way to game installation folder/logfile. Here you can find all logs with the timestamps, you then can remember when the issue happened and send all possible logs to me.

12 Jul

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lucky Notes: where do we send them to? @Gunfire Reborn.
Mine is same as above crash wise. Fully updated windows 10 pro, nvidia drivers 3090, 5900x. I play full screened with everything max and tried all the troubleshooting steps on the website.
[email protected]

Or you can upload them to google drive or any other cloud drive.
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by When it is just right: The short wall near the closed door, right side of the cross hair.

Please find below for another screenshot.
As you can see, the upper decorative part of the wall appears to be hovered on the thin air when I am far away.

However, the missing wall did rendered correctly as I move clos...
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    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ehh.. can you offer the log of this run?
For log:
Make your way to game installation folder/logfile. Here you can find all logs with the timestamps, you then can remember when the issue happened and send all possible logs to me.

And it's better to attach a screenshot of this run in in-game player information
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, for anyone in this post who experienced crash report, please offer the crash report and logfile and share it on some cloud drive so that we can fetch them.

For log:
Make your way to game installation folder/logfile. Here you can find all logs with the timestamps, you then can recall when the issue happened and send all possible logs to us.

For crash report:
Make your way to C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Temp\duoyi\Gunfire Reborn\Crashes. You can also find there're multiple folder within.(Make sure hidden files are shown in the Windows setting)
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ehhh... It looks normal, do you have gifs? Or can you point out anomalies?
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, could you offer the crash report and logfile and share it on some cloud drive so that we can fetch them?

For log:
Make your way to game installation folder/logfile. Here you can find all logs with the timestamps, you then can remember when the issue happened and send all possible logs to me.

For crash report:
Make your way to C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Temp\duoyi\Gunfire Reborn\Crashes. You can also find there're multiple folder within.(Make sure hidden files are shown in the Windows setting)

09 Jul

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JowJow:
Originally posted by I am Bells: Hey,
Game has been crashing on me pretty consistently. I've looked in the AppData\Local... directory and have no crash logs.
Game will lock up the screen and fully lock the computer.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the c++ redistributables.
I have checked Windows Event Viewer and the only Error that occurs in or around that time is:
Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

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08 Jul

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Its effective range is 20 meter
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Gunfire Reborn:
Originally posted by JowJow:
Sure, logs in the link bellow:
By the way, if you don't mind, would you visit Control Panel- Program to repair visual c++ 2010-2019(or any visual c++ that your computer is installed)
Select one of the visual c++, and click modify-repair.
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JowJow:
Originally posted by Gunfire Reborn: Also can you send us the log? You just sent the crash reports.
(Logs can be found in game folder/logfile, and send us the most possible logs with adjacent timestamp.

It's better if you can specify what happened before freezing and crashing? Like map changing or during a boss fight,etc.

Sure, logs in the link bellow:
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07 Jul

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
你好,请检查是否有安装游戏必备运行库工具,譬如Visual C++ 以及DirectX,另外请将显卡驱动升级至最新。
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JowJow: Hey Dev, how you doing?

My game crashes contantly, sometimes it freezes and sound keep running, I can even access 'esc' menu.

Here are my logs, it happened way more times than logs have registered.


Hopefully this helps you and us all.
Also can you send us the log? You just sent the crash reports.
(Logs can be found in game folder/logfile, and send us the most possible logs with adjacent timestamp.

It's better if you can specify what happened before freezing and crashing? Like map changing or dur... Read more
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by NA/UL:
Originally posted by Gunfire Reborn: Sorry but when did you encounter freeze issue? You can filter all logs and just share the problem one
i don't know how to filter the log.
Try to remember when you encountered the freeze and just send the log with the adjacent timestamp
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your suggestion is noted, and we are working on adding key remapping for it.
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

06 Jul

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by NA/UL:
Originally posted by Gunfire Reborn: Hello, could you make your way to game folder/logfile, and share the log and preferably a video that represents problematic run with us? You can use some cloud drive and upload the log with us so that we can investigate into it.
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    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, could you make your way to game folder/logfile, and share the log and preferably a video that represents problematic run with us? You can use some cloud drive and upload the log with us so that we can investigate into it.
Or send them to [email protected]