Gunfire Reborn

Gunfire Reborn Dev Tracker

27 Aug

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Originally posted by Jasper: Ok so i turned on Vsync but i still have those insane laggs
when i stand still and do nothing i have like 144 fps but when i actually play this game i can be happy to have 80 fps.
The more enemies and visual effects there are the lower my fps
Are you using a notebook or desktop and have you upgraded the graphic driver?
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, there are 7 rein levels in total for now.
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你好~问题已知,目前查明是铭刻“每消灭一个敌人,短时间内幸运一击几率增加10%,精准度降低30%” 可能会导致此问题,可以在之后的游戏中关注带有此铭刻的其它武器是否仍然存在此问题。

26 Aug

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, would the issue continue to occur these days?
And have you turned on vsync in settings?

25 Aug

    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry, but your screenshots look vague...

As for the issue itself, the process of verifying if a bullet hits an enemy is server-based. (P2P-based?) We make the actual "hit detection area" of the bullet of Goshawk bigger than what it looks like. (About 0.5m wider) so that players can hit the target more easily. (With +0.5m margin of error)
So the actual "collision" area is wider than what it looks like from bullet trails.
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for your report!

24 Aug

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Hello, what language are you referring to?

As for the savefile, please join our official Discord server and contact our community manager, we are glad to help you retrieve save data.
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23 Aug

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Hi, the issue of being pushed out of the map is acknowledged and we are now resolving this issue asap. Thanks for your feedback.

22 Aug

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Hi, could you offer the log and crash report to us?
For log:
Make your way to game installation folder/logfile. Here you can find all logs with the timestamps, you then can remember when the issue happened and send all possible logs to me.

For crash report:
Make your way to C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Temp\duoyi\Gunfire Reborn\Crashes. You can also find there're multiple folder within.(Make sure hidden files are shown in the Windows setting)
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, could you join our official Discord and find the dev there? We are willing to help you recover your save file.

20 Aug

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Please submit feedback to us in-game when this issue occurs.
    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, have you installed any network optimization software like GameFirst?

19 Aug

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    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draco18s:
Originally posted by Gunfire Reborn: While your suggestion is true, it may be too long to fit into the UI of this inscription. We are currently looking into it and find a more appropriate way to mend this misleading issue.

Change "damage" to "effect" and I think most folks will be happy. The exact proc percentage is less important than "hey I had a lightning/fire weapon and killed 30 crabs, why didn't I get the achievement!?"

Because you had a LI...
Read more
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Hello, and I'm pleased to introduce the mechanic of this Gemini for you and have your suggestion on rewording noted.

When you deal DMG with either of your weapons, the game will decide which element deals higher DMG and apply the corresponding bonus to the current(holding weapon) element.

However, you won't receive any bonus from ascensions and scrolls for the other element. It may just enjoy the bonus from countering element(i.e. Corrosion DMG is more effective against Shield).

While your suggestion is true, it may be too long to fit into the UI of this inscription. We are currently looking into it and find a more appropriate way to mend this misleading issue.
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    Gunfire Reborn on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

18 Aug

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Hi, we are aware of this issue and tweaking the intensity of aim assist.