
Halo Dev Tracker

30 Jul

29 Jul


Originally posted by MeanderingMinstrel

Sad πŸ˜₯ not mad at them at all, I just don't have a lot of time this weekend so the longer it takes, the more likely it is I won't get to play at all. But, as everyone is saying, this is exactly what tests are for.

I do wish they could've been a little more specific on what to expect though. Even if they told us a download size, it would be helpful.

Download size is approx. 19GB (assume will vary slightly by platform)


Originally posted by legend_of_the_rent

Some of the replies on Twitter are an absolute joke. People not understanding that this is why they are doing a technical preview. I get the frustration because we've been waiting a long time for this game but waiting a few extra hours isn't going to kill anybody.

If Sketch or anyone from 343 happen to see this comment, just know that most of the community is with you and is very appreciative for all the bs you have to put up with.

Thank you sir! Appreciate yours and r/ Halo support!


Originally posted by MathTheUsername

Yep. My quality of life isn't hinged on whether I get to play a tech test or not.

Refreshing concept! Appreciate the support in this thread, TY all!


Originally posted by Atomix117

The testing is already doing it's job then!



Originally posted by OblivionArises

I had a friend take the day off for it and it's like bruh. It's a technical test, not a beta. Sheesh people need to look into things more. It would be cool to play right now but we can't. It's not the end of the world.

That seems like a questionable decision, but can't fault the passion. I feel like I learned a long time ago, never take off the actual day of launch. There are ALWAYS some kind of issues, give it a day or three to settle, then take the time off. :) (I'm not saying our flight is a day or three delayed!)


Originally posted by psychobilly1

They should have said it starts July 30th at when the f**k ever PST and then announced that it would be "starting a few hours early" as a surprise when it was actually ready to drop.

Remember when we 'surprise launched' Halo: CE early on MCC PC and everyone also yelled at us for not giving them advance notice? :) We can't win. It's a tough spot, we want to give some timeframe because we want that server load and we want to ramp up engagement as quickly as we can. But it's pretty impossible to totally telegraph and exact time given all the variables, least of which is the fact that this the very first time this game and surrounding services are doing anything at remotely this level of scale. We're doing this now, ahead of launch, for exactly this purpose - work through kinks, discover problems, etc.. I feel for the team, they're working super hard. Thankfully most are too busy to notice people starting to yell and sling insults on social.
We'll get there, after ~6 years, I can wait as long as it takes to make sure folks can truly play once we flip the switch.
FWIW I'm trying to share some updates on Twitter as we get them.

28 Jul


Originally posted by BLToaster

/u/misplacedyank is crossplay going to be enabled in this test flight?

Don't hold me to this if it's not true but I think so.


Originally posted by OrionLax

Why do you keep asking him questions he's already answered?

No harm, no foul here so please don't think I'm upset or anything but for future reference for you and /u/bryanl12 (and anyone reading who doesn't know), I'm a girl. :)


Originally posted by HeroesUnite

People were getting theirs hour's after other people did. So if they're not waves, does that just mean we likely weren't accepted of we haven't gotten an email by now? But to still check Waypoint on Thursday?

I refer you back to my original post.


Originally posted by HeroesUnite

Are emails still being sent in waves? Or have all the emails sent?Excluding IPs and things prohibiting members from getting an email.

There are no "waves" - we set them all to be sent at once.


Originally posted by ArcticTerra056

Has it shown up in your Waypoint inbox yet? Or does that only show up on the day it goes live?

Nothing is hitting Waypoint until we push builds live on Thursday.


Originally posted by Shinespike1

My "boty" is ready.

.... I'll see myself out.