
Halo Dev Tracker

03 Aug


Originally posted by itsahalochannel

If anyone has any footage of that super long wheel of fortune game I would love to see it! I was the guy in the watermelon shirt and am trying to find some footage.

Haha wow that was the longest game ever. Fun though


Originally posted by BatMatt93

Question for people today to answer and anyone tomorrow too. How are the lines? I would hope by the third one that 343 is doing a better job with them and not letting it be a 2 hour wait time for the VR or Lazer Tag.

Saturday is definitely the busiest day and the lines for most things are certainly longer than Friday or Sunday. The Herschend team has done a good job working on efficiencies but it still takes time to move so many people through - especially the VR experience.

02 Aug

01 Aug


Originally posted by serpx

I don’t understand the frustration. Yes it’s annoying that this is happening last minute, however it’s a free opportunity that doesn’t have to exist. A lot of developers don’t offer this to fans. Are we not blessed for the opportunity?

The frustration is understandable. But you’re also right - anyone can opt out of the Halo Insider program at any time and stop reading the updates and hitting F5 for new info. When it lands I’m certain we’ll still have plenty of players excited to jump in and test. All anyone on the team wants is to release the best possible version of Halo: Reach for MCC that does justice to the original and meets the expectations of PC gamers and Halo fans. Thus far, that’s proving to be more challenging and time consuming than anyone expected.


Originally posted by FlamingBullet20

I wish they would give us an estimate and quit blue balling everyone.

Every time we “estimate” then everyone gets amped and starts countdown timers and then... the goal posts move again. We’ve tried estimating with the information we have but it’s never quite worked out thus far. All we can do now is stop estimating and send up the flare once we have a solid go/no-go decision from the team just prior to email invitations going out. The Firefight flight has been on the verge of release for a while, with blocking issues creeping up at the 11th hour each time a new build is evaluated. Waiting sucks, but the team has to take the time to ensure it’s right and that Reach lives up to expectations.


Originally posted by FlamingBullet20

So end of August now?

Ready when it’s ready. We won’t try and predict timing anymore as it’s clearly not been working out for all of us.


Originally posted by whatsthissoundfrom

Glad they waited until the last possible second to let us down... What is stopping them from telling us earlier that it they wouldn't hit their July prediction? Its literally July 31 in the afternoon, the latest they could wait. Disappointing.

Because the go/no-go decision was just made. Blocking bugs were being worked on up until the last day. Going forward I think we will stop predicting or hinting at any upcoming flight targets as obviously the project is proving to be more unpredictable and challenging than many of us thought and we admittedly keep resetting expectations every time we make a forecast. It’s frustrating on the inside, too. The team just wants to get this into players’ hands.


So many great memories and long nights in this building. Halo 3 media visits, Peter Jackson, playtests with Nathan Fillion, the Bungie podcast, and of course the ske7ch/Frankie studio tour. :) I remember when we took a bus ride there to walk around when it was still an empty hardware store operating as a make shift batting cage place. We were so eager to leave our generic office building. It was an awesome work space - custom designed for maximum creative juice and energy (tho the open floor plan did sometimes lead to mass spreading of colds and some unpleasant aromas). Once the team started to outgrow the space it got tough but for many years it was awesome. RIP 434 Bunker.


Originally posted by anim8rjb

I would assume so...we were just on the second floor of a building in some office park.

The old “millennium” business park is indeed still there right by the rock quarry. Not sure if MSFT still operates there but the old Bungie workspace is still standing. (nowhere near as cool and iconic as the 434 Bunker)