
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

03 Mar


Wild hasn’t recently been dominated by those cards, at least post nerfs. Even Shaman and Odd Rogue were two of the most consistent Wild decks and both were taken down a bit by the changes to Flametongue and Cold Blood.

For now, we want to check out what perception and data looks like post expansion launch and see where the Wild meta lands.


The blog mentioned this, but it’s mostly a future proofing thing. If Druid is very weak at single target removal it makes it easier to give them cards that make them great at other things. When you play against Druid one of the gameplay identities of that class is that they will have a hard time dealing with giant creatures. Naturalize going away reinforces that.

28 Feb


We’ve had this feedback about Dungeon Run style adventures in the past, so for the first Adventure in the Year of the Dragon we’ll be introducing both Normal and Heroic modes.

Normal mode should be easier than you’re used to from Dungeon Run and Monster Hunt, while Heroic will be a bit more challenging. We’ll also continue to tune these post-release!


I respect this Pokemon analogy. Who are you saving your master ball for?

Also, I’m hyped for the new forums, I think they look great! We just announced all the stuff we were ready to talk about here:

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Heh… curious. The dev post color is the same blue it seems as the Blizz rep color for these forums (Overwatch devs is Orange, Heroes is purple).


Looks Around

Hey. How’s it going? :slight_smile: