
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

18 Aug

17 Aug

16 Aug

Patch 24.0.3, launching today, includes adjustments to Standard, Wild, Battlegrounds, and Duels, as well as a couple bug fixes!

Card Updates:

Dev Comment: The current power level of the top decks after the launch of Murder at Castle Nathria is pretty close to the level that we’d like it to be. We’re happy with decks like Imp Warlock and Control Shaman being powerful, but we’re less happy with the power level of the weakest classes. So while we did a few touches to the top decks with the goal of reducing play-against frustration, the primary goal of this patch was to elevate the classes that are struggling in the current meta.

The following cards have been adjusted down in their power:

Celestial Alignment

  • Old: Set each player to 0 Mana Crystals. Set the cost of all cards in hands and decks to (1). → New:  Set your Mana Crystals to 0. Set the co...
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15 Aug

14 Aug

13 Aug

12 Aug


Originally posted by Significant-Royal-37

we need a 8 minion board card

We've also tried the opposite by removing minion slots. Turns out it's not fun at all.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Our first Location designs actually were this. They were on the board, but you had to play a minion into it to be able to use it.

Something like "Minions that die here trigger their Deathrattle twice." or "After you play a minion here, deal 1 damage to it and give it +2 Attack."

The biggest concern was UI. It was hard to see when a minion was in a Location, what Location it was, how much Durability it had left. We tested this in Alterac Valley, but couldn't find a good way of showing players what was going on.

Second attempt was in Nathria, but we made the card "double wide" so it took up 2 slots, but you could socket a minion into it. It solved a bunch of the UI issues, so things looked good, but after playtesting them (weeks), we realized we weren't getting any new design space. A lot of the cards could have just been minions with an aura effect. It didn't justify making it a new card type.

Where we ended up built us more space to create designs ...

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11 Aug