
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

14 Jul


Originally posted by arasitar

Tirnenn character names are a fusion of Welsh, Gaelic, Scottish, Irish, English and some onomatopoeic sounds.

You can read more here from this discussion thread on /r/wow

The names are corruptions of at least 3 languages, but I'll do my best.

Angwyrdmn = Angwyr means Angler, Angwyrd means angst. I suppose you'd have to look at context to figure out the actual meaning for this one. If he's a fishing trainer or vendor, it's safe to say its meant to mean Angler. But Angst could also be the one, because I can't find a single translation for what "dmn" might mean, so it might just be a corruption of the English "Damn". Giving the NPC the name Angst-Damn. Which would also make sense.

Groonoomcrooek = This isn't Welsh, but could be Gaelic, as they use sounds to describe things sometimes. In this case, this sounds like a toad croaking doe...

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Tishereenelee was a solid runner up for "most easily pronounced Tirnenn name" but the competition for "least easily pronounced Tirnenn name" is much more interesting lol.


Originally posted by Vedney

Was Sesselie chosen due to having a more pronounceable name compared to the other tiernnen?



Originally posted by LordOfFlames55

What is a shrubbagazzor and why do I want 5 of them

Wait until you see the whelpagazzors.


Originally posted by kon5tamar

Seems kind of weird that it’s an 8/8 on such a small body like in the art. Like the huge plant dragon is 5/5 and this chick is supposed to be bigger?

Tirnenn are actually very large characters. Sesselie is as tall (or taller, maybe) than Kel'Thuzad I believe.


We are currently starting the process of rolling out Patch 23.6.3, a server-side hotfix patch, that includes a couple adjustments and a few bug fixes, as follows:

Battlegrounds Update

Shudderwock is now banned from Beast lobbies.

Arena Update

  • Cavern Dreamer has been reverted to a 2 mana 1/3.
    • Note: Because this is a server-only update, Cavern Dreamer will function correctly, but will have visual issues where it will either still appear as a 1 mana 1/4 or will have a temporary-looking red cost change to 2 mana.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where Leeroy the Reckless’s effect would destroy the minion that popped his Divine Shield instead of the minion that killed him.
  • Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where the Mighty Shoal Spellcraft spell would not work correctly with Magnetic.
  • Fixed a bug where the “We DID Start the Fir...
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Originally posted by Seth_os

hey, tnx for reaching out.

It's a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro

I wish I could give you more info, but I uninstalled the game like half an hour ago and reinstalled it again. That fixed the issue.

If you need any more info to help you figure out what happened, let me know.

hey, tnx for reaching out.

It's a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro

I wish I could give you more info, but I uninstalled the game like half an hour ago and reinstalled it again. That fixed the issue.

If you need any more info to help you figure out what happened, let me know.

Glad it's working again, thanks!


Hey, sorry about this. Could we get some info to help diagnose the problem? What mobile device is this?

13 Jul


Originally posted by fddfgs




Originally posted by SaltyMcNultyHS

AITA? Recently I copied a card from my opponents deck, it was a good card and they didn't look like they'd be needing it so I just took the original card as well.

What do you think?



Originally posted by Juxta_Lightborne

May I ask how this isn’t considered confusing for newer players? If someone was coming from having only played MTG for example they would 100% assume this means any card. I understand this is a UI issue but was there much deliberation on how it’s worded?

Totally fair question! Since we're a digital card game, we have the benefit of never running into "rules debate" during a match (I remember when I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh with my friends, we'd constantly get into debates over whether X card meant Y or Z thing). The first-read is admittedly a bit unclear, but as soon as you play it for the first time, you get an understanding of what the card does because the game puts you through the motions for you. Plus, we think that the worst-case understanding of the card's text is preeeeetty close to the actual functionality, so it's not like you're totally lost!


Originally posted by [deleted]

why use different wording compared to coilfang or stelina for the opponent's hand part?

Main reasoning being text space. If we wanted to spell it out and follow older examples like Coilfang or Stelina, we get some text shrinkage or just too long of a textbox.


Originally posted by Lower_Significance15

So is this card functionally just Stelina with condition?

With a different condition, yep! Stelina was Outcast, this is Secrets.


Originally posted by chazoid




Originally posted by DGenerate1

Hmmm, doesn’t use Discover keyword, so will it show you 9 cards if that’s how many your opponent has?

It specifically says, “choose a card in your opponent’s hand” but I have this gut feeling it’s just gonna show me three cards 😒

You still choose from 3! We didn't use the Discover keyword here because Discover is a mechanic that generates things (the tooltip says "Choose one of three cards to add to your hand"), where as this card does the opposite!

And you might say "well what about Drakefire Amulet?" Well, that card IS generating things, they just go immediately into the battlefield rather than stick around in your hand.

Hope that helps! :)