Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV Dev Tracker

17 Mar

    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Fan Of Demon89: Cant boost other countries party popularity anymore bcs seems like LA RESITANCE DLC is needed for that which is BS

Why do you say that? When I load the game without LaR, the boost popularity button is where it always used to be.

Are you using 1.9.1 ?

11 Mar

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all,

We pushed an update to the 1.9.1 beta patch today, that has fixed more bugs and made some balance changes to, in particular, the Spanish Focus Trees.

Also a couple of things of note that I have seen discussed on here;

- The bug meaning that people without La Resistance did not have the lend lease buttons, which I know has affected quite a few people on these forums has been fixed, and LL should now working as normal.

- France now starts with heavy tanks researched and engineer support companies in its divisions, to be more in line with their historical position. Same is true for their naval batteries (MtG only)

Read the full info about Spanish Focus Tree changes and more here:
... Read more
    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by wroter: https://i.imgur.com/QCUFueb.png

This is seriously getting out of hand. Please just fix your game. How hard can it possibly be? I know staff are leaving you in droves, and I know they are reporting a severely toxic work environment, but this is basic level stuff. It's a launcher.

Sorry that you're having a problem with the launcher.

For clarity, this won't be an issue with 1.9.1- the launcher is maintained by a different team and updated independently of, and seperate to, HOI itself.

Have you tried re-installing? Has the visual bug repeated itself?

06 Mar

    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The resistance will go away once you do the next focus to restore Austria-Hungary.

Nevertheless it does seem strange, I've made a note of it
    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you reach 80% compliance in a nation you can set up a collaboration government, either by decision or event (the nation asking to be one).
    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, it does. You can see the buffs in a state by mousing over them when in the intelligence view. The intel you gain on a nation from it can be seen in the intel ledger

05 Mar

    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They sound like collaboration governments, yes.
    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Resistance suppression is no longer carried out by on-map units as of 1.9. Garrisons are automatically deducted from your manpower and equipment according to your occupation law and garrison template

03 Mar

    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just a quick note to say we are aware of the reports of this issue and are looking into it presently
    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Trev:
Originally posted by F0ks3d: What about last minute changes though? Pre-release period is often a scramble to finish/fix/implement all the things that got pushed further in the time table and somehow I doubt Paradox is much different in that regard.

Its been a week and they haven't hotfixed the Husky/LR update, doesn't seem like much scrambling going on.

A hotfix hasn't been pushed live yet, but there's been a beta hotfix patch with a bunch... Read more

28 Feb

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are more than focus tree's that in the expansions that costs money to develop though. But we hear your feedback.

14 Feb

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please do not necro-bump threads.

10 Feb

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locked as this issue has already been resolved.

14 Nov

29 Jun

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are like 3 different versions of this going on. No need for more.

04 Jun

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Go to properties -> BETAS and pick 1.6.2 in the dropdown list.

Repeat and pick 'none' when you are ready to update 1.7
    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can always roll back to 1.6.2 through the BETAS tab under properties for the game
    VashTheStampede on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please note that 1.7 will not be save game compatible with 1.6.2.
    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try the "Clear User Directory" button in your launcher. If the problem persists, please submit a ticket through support.paradoxplaza.com. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Believe it or not: But both music and 3D models do cost money to make, and as such we need to charge money for them if we make them.

I'm not sure where the statement of it being cheaper to make now than before comes from. Please do elaborate SalzStange.

Nothing was cut out of the base game. The base game was developed and released 3 years ago. The content released then was everything that was developed by that time and the price of the base game was based on that development cost.

Even though we do enjoy our jobs, it is in fact work. We still need salaries. If you don't think these packs are worth the money you shouldn't buy them.