Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV Dev Tracker

06 Oct

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are mods that cover modern times, but the vanilla version will remain focused on World War II. We may cover more modern history in future games, but that's for later.
    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Fair enough, makes sense but its not game related so locking this thread.
    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I would love to play a Helldivers mod, if someone makes that then I gotta highlight that on our youtube channel :D

04 Oct

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you purchase the expansion pass you will instantly recieve the expansion pass bonuses (1 Music Track & 3 Tank Models).

You are unable to acquire them outside the expansion pass.

09 Aug

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1. Open your Game Library on Steam

2. Right-click on your game

3. Select Properties from the menu

4. In the Properties menu, select 'Local Files' from the left-hand panel

5. On the Local Files page, select 'Verify integrity of game files'

6. Steam will then verify your files. Please note this can take a few minutes!

07 Aug

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Last version is 1.14.6 [Checksum: 5a08], released June 10th.

Have you tried for example Road to 56 or Kaiserreich? They are updated to that version, if those dont work then I recommend verifying your files as something is wrong.

26 Jul

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MS.Chuang: How to make this mod? The information I found is all about adding "Province of city terrain" instead of adding city marks and name.
There are different guides on YouTube, but also our Wiki about it here: https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Modding
    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I suggest checking if the mod is up to date with your version of the game.

Very old mods normally do not work with the latest version of the game.
    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You are unable to "add" cities in vanilla.
    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, this might not help but itl explain it a bit.

We have an annual regional price adjustment but between that your currency can change value, etc. Thus making it more expensive in your country compared to for example USA.

They happen each January if Im not mistaken.

10 Jun

03 May

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The DLC subscription does not include the Base Game. You would need to first purchase the Base Game then purchase the DLC subscription if you want to access all DLCs that way.

25 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Helion139: I mean I wouldn't be suprised if some mods do have genuine porn (probably not ones on steam tho) but the game itself has no direct sexual content other then indirectly hinting at sex in for example seducer trait for spy.
On Steam it wouldn't be allowed, as we moderate that away, but I'm sure there are third party websites where that exists.

24 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Here is my personal description of each DLC and why you might want one of them. (Im biased I know, but I just want you to make the right decision for yourself) ^^

Trial of Allegiance: Adds Focus Trees for Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay (Purchase if you want to play in that region with those countries)

Arms Against Tryanny: Adds International Market & Military Industrial Organization Mechanics as well as Focus Trees for Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland (If you want more peace time mechanics and more action in northen europe then this would be for you)

Man the Guns: A completely rehauled Navy system with ship designer similar to the NSB Tank Designer, and a bunch of naval changes alongisde a new focus tree for USA, UK, Mexico, Netherlands, (so if you light democracy and boats, this one might be for you. (

23 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DJBacon: Just wondering if someone can explain that to me lol
Users can input their own tags into the game, and its a general "meme" to input that into every PDX game at release.

08 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hannibal: Does anybody have a problem with just a black map with Bolivar?

Originally posted by Rambodjano: oh both. corrupt saevegame, black map at new game. its like that hoi3 bug where all the flags dissapear
Disable FPS Map

07 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We have set up a rollback branch for Stella Polaris (Old) 1.13.7 | Rollback. You can use it to continue your previously saved games. Remember that Steam may require a restart to show the new branch.

Rollback Guide: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/how-to-roll-back-your-game-version.1121392/

26 Feb

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No. It's never going to happen. Please don't ask or bring this up again.