Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV Dev Tracker

17 Oct

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 贪狼大公爵: Carrier based aircraft designers and Heavy aircraft designers receive a double effect bonus
Please send in a bug report about this: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/hearts-of-iron-iv-bug-reports.951/

11 Oct

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by robertfarischon: I am assuming this is why my game crashes during load. If I roll back, will I lose my saved game or not?
If you played on an old save with the new update, that would be the reason. If you still have the original save, you can rollback and play without an issue. But if you start the old version with a new save, you could encounter similar issues.
    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by sqwidmaster22: Hey quick question if I have the dlc subscription whatchamacallit do I get access to the preorder bonus song for the arms against tyranny dlc?
You will not get access to the pre-order song.

10 Oct

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by rgb0853: How do you do this?
Right click the game in your steam library, press betas, then the dropdown on beta participation and selected the branch you want. The game will then update to that branch.
    PDXKatten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hussar: How do you rollback to the earlier version? I was playing with the Total War mod, and it just went bonkers on me and can't play/see anything.

Thanks in advance!
Check this out: ... Read more
    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
"We have set up a rollback branch for 1.12.14 (Avalanche). You can use it to continue your previously saved games. Remember that Steam may require a restart to show the new branch.
However be aware that:
  • If you have bought Arms Against Tyranny, some graphical and audio assets (loading screen, music...) will show up in the game. This will still be 100% save compatible and not bring any feature from AAT. If you dislike them, you can disable the DLC from the launcher and get a pure 1.12.14 experience as it was before AAT released.
  • Most popular total conversion mods have updated to 1.13 and will not rollback when you change steam branch. The launcher will warn you accordingly that they are incompatible with your current version of the game."

Rollback Guide: ... Read more
    PDXKatten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Vaeringjar: Might make sense to upload the rollback before releasing the main update itself next time
We encountered an issue, apologies.
    PDXKatten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AlbertCole:
Originally posted by PDXKatten: You'll be able to backdate the game, and the save will be available. However, we're awaiting a rollback version - PDX and Steam are working on it! We appreciate your patience!
Thanks for the update. Is it a matter of hours or something that will take some time to fix? I was looking forward to play this evening, but I can adapt my schedule.
Unfortunately It could take a few hours.
    PDXKatten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You'll be able to backdate the game, and the save will be available. However, we're awaiting a rollback version - PDX and Steam are working on it! We appreciate your patience!
    PDXKatten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You'll be able to backdate the game, and the save will be available. However, we're awaiting a rollback version - PDX and Steam are working on it! We appreciate your patience!

06 Mar

    PDXKatten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey! Would you be so kind and create a bug report about this on the forum instead? https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/hearts-of-iron-iv-bug-reports.951/

14 Jul

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You posted this as a forum post. Perhaps you meant to post it in the Guides section?

06 Jun

26 Jan

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you have an issue with moderation, you can email [email protected]

04 Jan

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Let's move away from real-world politics, please.

01 May

    Addaway on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by E n d m e: Hello I recently downloaded Hoi4 Colonel edition and you have taken it down and I am experiencing issues even before it was taken down the loading screen pops up for a second and nothing else happens. Can you please help me?

If you're unable to run the game its probably worth getting in touch with tech support

30 Apr

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In an effort to clean up the number of purchasing options available for Hearts of Iron IV, we have decided to stop selling the Colonel’s Edition of the game. This will allow us to focus on updating our product to be more representative of what new players are looking for.

If you already own the Colonel’s Edition, absolutely nothing changes for you. Your game is safe, and you will not lose access to any of the bonuses attached to that edition.

For now, the cosmetic content from the Colonel Edition will not be available for new players (it will still be active for people that already own it). We are looking into the best ways to make this content available in the near future.

14 Apr

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nelly:
Originally posted by PDX_Moderator_2: Hello. You can report bugs here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?forums/hearts-of-iron-4-bug-reports.951/
Do you also read the hoi4 subreddit? Asking because of (potential) bug reports

There are community ambassadors t... Read more

13 Apr

01 Apr

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're going to all caps, at least all caps all. But in the future, try to refrain from using all caps as it looks spammy and trollish.