Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV Dev Tracker

04 Jun

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are not planning on making any changes to the German version I'm afraid.

07 Mar

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys!

I've been hard at work producing a tutorial series for you to explain the new Naval Mechanics in more detail. I hope some of you will find it useful.


03 Feb

    [TA] Trance on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're having technical issues, try submitting a support ticket here: https://www.paradoxplaza.com/support-static-info-ca.html

02 Nov

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For information, questions or discussions: Please go to our official forum thread[forum.paradoxplaza.com]

16 Aug

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We aim to post a development diary around noon (Stockholm time) every Wednesday where we aim to keep you guys updated with what we are currently working on.

Development Diary Archives[www.hoi4wiki.com]

19 Dec

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In light of some criticism towards me in particular, I feel I need to clarify a few things:

- Do not create multiple threads on the same topic
- Do not flame or insult other users or developers
- The more constructive and civilized you are, the more we will listen to your concerns.

Posts/Threads violating the 2 first points will be locked or deleted without hesitation.
If you have feedback on how you think we could do things better, or how the game could be better, then we are happy to listen. Just typing out various profanities without any constructive points serves no purpose to anyone (besides possibly the person writing it, needing to vent)

TL;DR I hope this makes sense. We do not intend to "censor critique", but we will remove stuff that is causing nothing but provocation, without adding anything to a normal discussion.

Thank you!

06 Jun

    TheLetterZ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
"WT [number]" or "Threat [number]" I recall
    TheLetterZ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not exactly sure what you're saying is happening here but if you think it's a bug, please report it to our forums!

31 May

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please note that the game version sold to people in Germany is slightly different from the version sold elsewhere. See the link below for information.

Please note that most likely any new threads on the subject of the German version will be locked. (Due to the fact all threads on the topic inevitably derail)

    BjornB on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The purpose of these videos is to make short and easy to find guides on specific topics. Once the game is released we expect a ton of user made let's plays and tutorials. Since these tend to be quite long, and it might be hard to find the specific thing you have questions about, We made these. I like to call them wiki articles in video format.

New Streaming series: Blitzkrieg for Beginners (Every Wednesday at 16:00 CET on Twitch) <- Click to watch on Youtube

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