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Whenever I try entering matchmaking to get into a game, the loading screen takes a while and then I get an error saying "An error has occurred. HYPER SCAPE error code: Orchid-CO22. It happens most of the time (I say most becasue I can get into about 1 in 17 games).

My NAT type is open and the ports are forwaded correclty. I tried restarting my network hardware as well as cycling my Xbox. None seemed to work. I posted on reddit to try and find a solution but there were other having the same issue. I can only assume it is a bug so that's why I'm here! I hope it gets fixed soon because the small amount I played, I really liked thanks for the time

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Hi guys,

Thank you for reporting this to us, we're sorry to hear that's been the case.

Just to confirm, the first thing we'd advise is making sure you've all been through the steps here

Please could you also let us know where you are playing from.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Thank you for confirming that, MAGICALWIZARD47.

Windex17171, where are you located at the moment?

This is something that we are looking into at the moment, if everyone with the issue can let us know their region and the ISP they are with we can pass that on to the team,
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Thanks for the continued reports, we will pass the reports on to help us look into this.

As an additional question, are you guys playing with a wired or wireless connection?
over 4 years ago - UbiDork - Direct link
MusicmanLHS: Thanks for sharing that! Can you please tell me what your ISP is?

RawDeal312: I'm sorry about this issue, RawDeal312. Are you able to answer the following for me?

- What is your ISP
- What region are you located in?
- Are you using a VPN at this time?
- I have you been able to play at all or has the error stopped you completely.

youngboss0310: Are you also able to provide your ISP?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Thank you for continued details, we understand how frustrating this issue is and this is priority for us.

We would ask all users who see this to provide the details from UbiDorks post;
- What is your ISP
- What region are you located in?
- Are you using a VPN at this time?
- I have you been able to play at all or has the error stopped you completely.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Spud - Direct link
Hey folks, thanks again for keeping us updated with the information we have requested.

Originally Posted by Zacsby1991
Anybody know if there is a page where they are more actively updating the progress of this issue? Or do they just not give a hoot? I've looked on Google, Reddit, here...you'd think a literal game breaking bug affecting a large portion of an entire platform would get a little more attention. Games probably already dead on Xbox.
I'm sorry for the lack of clarity. We're asking folks to run through this guide, and if it doesn't resolve the issue, we're asking you guys to let us know which ISP you are with. We're then relaying this to the developers to help them figure this out. Thank you for your continued patience!