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Unfortunately this game is currently unplayable for all but the most accomplished FPS PC mouse/keyboard users, casual players need not apply.

This is a fast paced arena like game with no bloom on the weapons. If you have a controller you get aim assist, which is pretty much instant win against PC players in its current unbalanced state. If you are a controller player, before you criticize, I would suggest going and playing a couple without the controller and see how you fair. And I would also suggest the only weapons you should even consider are AOE explosive weapons, because you won't be hitting anyone with anything else (at least not before they melt you)

For those that would say "get good" or "get better": It would be like playing basketball at a local court and the "your favorite professional basketball team here" shows up and you yelling from the stands, well get good.

Two possible solutions, give up on cross platform, or fix the unbalance with aim assist. I do think it will be almost impossible to balance this game between controller and PC due to the nature of the game, but either way.

We need a cool new game like this, but pc players will not be playing long under these conditions.
almost 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
From the Patch Notes:
Adhesion: There is currently a gamepad controller bug being worked on where quick movements, especially Teleport, will “snap” the player’s aim to the target. This is unintended and will be addressed soon.
We are investigating controller aim assist in general as well!