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Can I give you guys a honest suggestion?

This game is amazing, it have huge potential but what I realy hate in this game are the voices of the characters, all of them. They are realy so annoying and cringe, every single one of them. Looks like the voice actors were smiling when recording, it take aways all the seriousness and looks like a children's game. Can we have some serious voices that add some tention to a futuristical apocaliptical warfare? Not even asking for breathing acting.

And all their voice looks kind of robotic, I see what you are trying to do, but it's not that good in my humble opinion.

And please reconsider the lines "hmm that's money" for the greek woman and "a voice for the people" for the cuban guy? The greek one is just annoying and the cuban one is so cheesy besides annoying.

It's just, they don't seem to have much of a personality. That's my only issue with the game, everything else is fantastic.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Thanks for your input on the voice lines! I personally tune most of them out when focusing on the game, but I could see how some of the lines could be annoying. It's important to remember the game is rated for T, which may be why the voice lines may feel silly. I understand the appeal of more serious voice lines though.
over 3 years ago - /u/orz-PHX - Direct link

Just want to take this opportunity to clarify some things- we started prototypes for a Bow weapon a few years ago, but it was set aside for a few reasons, including a shift in priority to the Sword rework.

Later on an icon of the Bow was accidentally included in a preview image, but it was never meant to be announced or confirmed.

As we're starting very early exploration for the next weapon in Dauntless, Bow is one of the options being considered, but not the only one. Whatever it is, it's still quite a way out, and we'll have more updates when there's something concrete to share.

over 3 years ago - vadevski - Direct link
Hi! Thanks for the suggestion, we'll look at the blacklist option.
We are now accepting complaints about these players via bug reports. Thanks for reporting this issue!
about 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
I have passed this over for you guys! It's a very handy feature on the App!! Would be golden if we could get this on the Browser too! :)

Kind Regards

almost 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
We have to consider here the nature of the expulsion. We have to also consider those times where an Archmage does not have the time to wait for 2 Mages to authorise a Players removal if of course the situation cannot wait.

I am happy to pass this over however, I think we would struggle to get this considered :)

Kind Regards


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